Kumu Kahua Theatre Auditions for UchinaAloha by Lee A. Tonouchi
WHAT: Auditions for UchinaAloha by Lee A. Tonouchi
WHERE: Kumu Kahua Theatre, 46 Merchant Street
WHEN: AUDITIONS: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Saturday July 9, 2016
INFO: 536-4222,
kumukahua.org and
Open auditions will be held to cast the world premiere of UchinaAloha, the first show of Kumu Kahua Theatre's 46th season. The show will be directed by Reiko Ho and runs August 25 2016 through October 2, 2016, (taking a week off for Improvaganza Sept. 22-Sept 25.).
(Our apologies as an earlier audition announcement mis-titled the play asUchinaAmerican, which was the previous working title.)
“Da Pidgin Guerrilla,” Lee Tonouchi brings us a warm tale of generations of an Okinawan family in Hawai‘i.
David Tamashiro resists his grandfather’s sanshin lessons until he has the right motivation: a girl. A pretty young lady from Okinawa helps David and his friends discover much about themselves and David’s enigmatic grandfather.
This is a story about the change that any culture experiences when it is relocated. Grandfather wants to play music the way it is played in Okinawa, but his grandson wants to combine tradition with more modern methods and the mix of culture found in Hawai‘i.
When the guest from Okinawa arrives, she brings tradition and fresh perspective – teaching both about Okinawa in the present. The grandson learns a new way of playing that honors Okinawan culture.
Director Reiko Ho is looking for 4 men and 2 women to play the following roles:
DAVID TAMASHIRO - Local Okinawan Grandson of Tamashiro Sensei. College drop-out. Dreams of being the next YouTube musical sensation.
TAMASHIRO SENSEI - Local Okinawan Sanshin teacher. Past retirement age. Gruff.
ELMER - Caucasian sanshin student. Wannabe ladies man.
DERRICK - Super enthuthiastic (aka dorky) local Okinawan sanshin student.
MARIA GINOZA - College exchange student and peace activist from Okinawan. Speaks Engrish.
GHOST OF MOM - Spirit of Mother of David Tamashiro. She does not speak and communicates through gestures. Only her son can see her.
Printed scripts are available for loan with a $10 cash deposit at the Kumu Kahua Theatre office weekdays between 11am and 3pm. Please call 536-4222 before coming to the theatre. Scripts can also be downloaded
For further information, call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222.
Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and Arts through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawaii and by the National Endowment for the Arts. The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, the Hawai‘i Community Foundation, The Atherton Foundation, McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawaii, Trustee); Hawaiian Electric Company; The Star Advertiser and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons.