The Bijou Theatre in downtown Bridgeport is excited to announce open call auditions for Jim DeVivo’s “The Witch, The Broom, and The Cauldron,” directed by Tracy James. This will be the first in The Bijou Theatre’s first Kids’ Theatre Series.
Open call auditions will take place on Sunday, September 7th from 2:00pm-5:00pm and Monday, September 8th from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Actors will audition in order of arrival. All auditions will take place at The Bijou Arts Center, 277 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, CT. The Bijou Arts Center is located on the second floor upon entering the glass door next to The Bijou Theatre Box Office. Ascend the stairs directly opposite the glass door. Signs will be posted.
As a student witch, Cindy Towers gets herself deep in magical glop as one of her spells goes very wrong. Her friend Zack stops by that morning and when he sees what has happened to her home, he convinces a group of other student witches and wizards to help. Getting things back to normal becomes a wizarding challenge as the group braves a series of exciting magical adventures! “The Witch, the Broom and the Cauldron” is the first of three live theatre events for young children. We are fortunate to have this show written by the author of the original children’s book with the same title. James DeVivo has written and published several children’s books and is thrilled to be able to adapt this one to the stage as a musical.
All roles open. Non-Equity, no pay. All types and ethnicities are encouraged to audition. Ages 13 to 20. All actors should bring a current headshot (or recent photo) and one-page acting resume or list of theater/performing experience. Those auditioning for singing roles are asked to prepare one song to be performed a cappella.
General rehearsal schedule for “The Witch, The Broom, and The Cauldron” is two or three weekdays per week between 4:00pm and 10:00pm, based on actor availability, and some weekends. Rehearsals begin around September 16th. The show runs October 11th through October 26th at The Bijou Theatre, 275 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport. All performances take place on weekend days.
Character Breakdown for Actors Auditioning:
Cindy - Loves books and studying, very smart, know-it-all and happy. Very proper, does things by the book. Singing role.
Bill - Level headed quiet guy who later comes out of his shell. Singing role.
Zack - Science guy thinks he knows everything, very cool (Head of the web). Singing role.
Taylor - Science guy into gadgets, best friends with Zack (Goof ball) Tonya - Tough & sporty. Singing role.
Broom - Non-speaking role but very involved with everything. (Needs to be good with miming)
Ensemble/Dancers - The plants & glop. These roles are non-speaking so dance background would be helpful.