Kumu Kahua Theatre Holds an Audition Workshop and Auditions
WHAT: Auditions for NOT ONE BATU by Hannah I'i Epstein
WHERE: Kumu Kahua Theatre, 46 Merchant Street
WHEN: WORKSHOP: 6:00 – 9:00 PM, Sunday November 1, 2015
AUDITIONS: Noon -3:00 pm, Saturday November 7, 2015; 6:00 pm-9:00pm Sunday, November 8, 2015
INFO: 536-4222,
Open auditions will be held to cast NOT ONE BATU by HANNAH I'I EPSTEIN. The show will be directed by Harry Wong III and runs January 21 – February 21, 2016.
Meet Honey Girl: a former meth user, now an expert drug dealer. At a Hale‘iwa park bench one morning, Honey Girl meets up with customers and friends, rival dealers and her addict mother, all linked together by the meth they buy or sell, use or reject.
There will be a free audition workshop held from 6:00-9:00 pm, Sunday November 1, 2015, also at Kumu Kahua Theatre. This workshop is an opportunity for all interested to work with the script and director, and learn the best way to prepare for this audition.
The workshop is free, but space is limited. Please call 536-4222 or email
kumukahuatheatreom@gmail.com to reserve your spot.
HONEY GIRL: 25 year old female. Local from Hawaii. Can either be part Hawaiian, Filipino, Samoan, Chinese, Japanese, or mixed. A meth dealer. Every time someone smokes meth around her, she smokes a cigarette.
MA: 45 year old female. Honey Girl's mother. She can be Hawaiian, Filipino, Samoan, Chinese, Japanese, or mixed. Ma has a tick such as picking her scabs or something like that. As the play progresses it becomes worse.
SHERRIE: 21 year old female. Local from Hawaii. Grew up Mormon. Can be any Polynesian mixed race. Goes to BYU for psychology.
MAX: Anywhere between 25-30 year old white boy. Semi-local. Surferboy.
TOULLY: Mid 20's-early 30's. Military white boy from Washington. Hasbeen in Hawaii for a couple of months now.
JASON: 20-25 year old male. Local from Hawaii. A meth dealer.
Possibly Hawaiian or Filipino. Short.
2 MOKES: Both between 20-25 year old males. Samoan. Jason's bodyguards.
UNCLE MAKANA: 40-45 year old male. Local from Hawaii. Hawaiian. Big older guy. A weed dealer.
BRADDAH: 30 year old male. Honey Girl's brother. Can either be part Hawaiian, Filipino, Samoan, Chinese, Japanese, or mixed. They have a different father.
Printed scripts are available for loan with a $10 cash deposit at the Kumu Kahua Theatre office weekdays between 11am and 3pm–please call 536-4222 before coming to the theatre. Scripts can also be downloaded on the Kumu Kahua Theatre website, auditions page.
For further information, call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222.
Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and Arts through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawaii and by the National Endowment for the Arts. Also paid for in part by the taxpayers of the City & County of Honolulu; the Mayor’s Office of Culture and the Arts; The Atherton Foundation, McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawaii, Trustee); Hawaiian Electric Company; The Star Advertiser and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons.