Liperly Productions proudly announces auditions for a new and timely satire A DYSTRUMPIAN CHRISTMAS CAROL written by William Prenetta and Lenore Grunko and directed by Lenore Grunko. This is a fast paced modern twist on the Charles Dickens' classic. Will Donny T find redemption or be destined meet his maker?
OPEN AUDITIONS will take place on August 27 and 28, 7-9pm at the Carriage House Theater on Farming Ave. in Hartford. We are auditioning for 8 actors, one who will be playing Donald Trump. The other 7 actors will be sharing 45 roles in this fast paced comedy. Come prepared to read from the script. If you are auditioning for the lead of Donald Trump, please prepare a 1-minute monologue. All people from 18 + various ethnicities, and physical types are encouraged to audition. If you cannot make these dates, please send a note.
Please direct all questions to