Centered around slavery, the production tells the story of a slave girl's struggle to freedom. Cold readings will be held 12/12/2013 - 12/15/2013 at FIU Biscayne Bay Campus in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theatre located at 3000 NE 151st St, North Miami, FL 33181. We are looking to fill the following roles: (3) AA Boy, age range 8-12 (3) AA Girl, age range 8-12 (3) Caucasian Male, age range 25-30 (3) Caucasian Male, age range 30-40 (3) Caucasian Female, age range 25-30 Rehearsals are scheduled to start January 2013 (evenings & nights) for a February run. Please contact or (323) 863-6835 for more information. Thank you.