Casting for "Girl with Two Belly Buttons," a play to be presented at the 10th Annual Capital Fringe Festival, July 9-26, 2015. Synopsis: At 60 Izzy is sick and alone. She has had so many relationships. Why did they all fail? Then Izzy meets Izabela, her 30-year-old self, and the two explore what went wrong (or right) with their once & future boyfriends.
Dr. Bertolucci (Supporting). Male, Caucasian. 60ish. Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Harvey Keitel...Where are you? In opening & closing scenes. Izzy's potential love interest.
Ramone (Supporting). Male, Caucasian. 45-55. One of Izzy's six ex-boyfriends. "The Lost Soul." A musician (but you do not have to be one).
Hugh (Supporting). Male, Caucasian. Early 30s. "The Know-It-All"
Erskina (Walk-on). Female, Caucasian. 30-60. Uber hip, Lower East Side type. There are no small roles. . .opportunity for a creative actress.
Rehearses on Sunday 5-9 PM May-June in Washington, DC. Please email resume and photo to: Non union. No pay.