The Columbus Symphony Chorus will hold auditions for the 2013-14 season on Monday and Tuesday, August 19 and 20, at the Ohio Theatre, Room 1, Lower Level. To schedule an audition, interested parties should contact Chorus Master Ronald Jenkins at
Each audition will last 8-10 minutes and consist of the following:
1. The auditionee will sing a prepared piece of classical music—a simple piece is very acceptable. The purpose is to demonstrate the person’s voice and musicality. An accompanist is provided. Auditionees should bring three copies of the music—one for the pianist, the chorus conductor to follow, and themselves. Memorization is not necessary.
2. Each person will be given ear-training/testing (repeating intervals) and be asked to vocalize.
3. Each person will be asked to sight-read, often a Bach chorale.
Auditionees will be notified by letter the following week.
In the 2012-13 season, the Chorus will perform Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, “Resurrection” (October 5), Holiday Pops (December 6-8), Mozart’sRequiem (April 11 & 12), and Bizet’s Carmen as part of Carmen in Concert (May 9 & 10).
About the Columbus Symphony Chorus
The Columbus Symphony Chorus, now beginning its 53rd season, continues to excel under the direction of Chorus Master Ronald J. Jenkins. Under his leadership for 31 years, the Chorus has grown both in the quality of its performances and in the diversity of its classical repertoire. The 130-member Chorus, comprised entirely of volunteer singers from central Ohio, performs major works from Bach through the 21st century.
The chorus ended last season with the premiere of Stephen Paulus’ “Of Songs and Singing,” conducted by Jenkins and commissioned by the chorus to honor his 31 years of service. In addition to their classical concerts, the Chorus's annual Holiday Pops concerts, conceived and directed by Jenkins from their beginning in 1983, have grown into one of the best-loved musical traditions in the central Ohio area, including three performances on the first weekend of December.
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The CSO is grateful for the financial support provided by Franklin County and the City of Columbus. The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, education excellence, and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. The CSO also appreciates the support of the Greater Columbus Arts Council, supporting the city's artists and arts organizations since 1973, and the Charlotte R. Haller, James W. Overstreet, Kenneth L. Coe, and Jack Barrow funds of The Columbus Foundation, assisting donors and others in strengthening our community for the benefit of all its citizens.
About the Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Founded in 1951, the Columbus Symphony is the longest-running, professional symphony in central Ohio. Through an array of innovative artistic, educational, and community outreach programming, the Columbus Symphony is reaching an expanding, more diverse audience each year. This season, the Columbus Symphony will share classical music with more than 175,000 people in central Ohio through concerts, radio broadcasts, and special programming. For more information, visit