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CHILDREN OF EDEN - ShenanArts Non Equity Auditions

Posted January 6, 2017
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Based on the story of Genesis, the age-old conflict of parents
and children takes the stage in this epic, heartfelt
Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin, Wicked) musical.

Directed by Jennifer Vaughan
Assisted by Diane Stewart
Choreographer Robin Cempe

March 31-April 2 & April 7-9


Children for Ensemble ages 10-14 9am-11am
Young Cain, Young Abel, Children ages 15 and up & Adults 12 noon-4pm

If you have a conflict with the audition contact Jennifer Vaughan at

Be prepared to stay for the entire audition time (12 noon-4pm).
Come with a prepared musical selection 30 measures in length.
You will be asked to learn a short musical selection from the show as well as cold reads.
Come prepared and dressed to move comfortably for the dance component.

An older looking, impressive man. A true father figure, he wants the best for all of his children but parents with a firm hand. Protective, loving, and reminiscent of God.
Gender: Male
Age: 35 to 55
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: G3

Adam / Noah
Adam: Eve's bright and childlike partner. He is initially devout to Father and loving to his wife & children. Later plagued by guilt. Hard-working and reserved. Noah: rough but simple. He is unsophisticated and shrewd, but also warm and loyal. He builds the ark to save his family and honor Father.
Gender: Male
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: A3

Eve / Mama
Eve: curious and questioning, smart and excited. Chose an imperfect life of knowledge over a perfect life of innocence. Mama: Noah's wife and inherently motherly. She possesses a gentle strength, is reassuring, and serves as the mediator of the family.
Gender: Female
Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: G3

Cain / Japheth
Cain: Abel's older, adventurous brother. Follows in his mother's footsteps and longs for the companionship of other humans. He is strong, stubborn, and independent. Japeth: in love with Yonah and is willing to sacrifice his life to be with her. He is Noah's youngest son. Clever, rebellious, stubborn.
Gender: Male
Age: 18 to 25
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Abel / Ham
Abel: Cain's younger and more conservative brother who follows the rules. He chooses his parents over Cain. Ham: Japeth's middle brother and Aphra's husband. He is not as docile as Japheth, nor as hot headed as Shem. Looks up to and follows Shem's lead.
Gender: Male
Age: 18 to 30
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Seth / Shem
Seth: Adam and Eve's third son and their family's second chance at life. He is innocently adventurous. Shem: the oldest of Noah's three sons. Married to Aysha, he is impulsive, strong, and hot-tempered.
Gender: Male
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Ham's pregnant wife. Longs for the flood to be over and is constantly worrying.
Gender: Female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Shem's wife. Cynically bitter and constantly accusing those aboard the ark.
Gender: Female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Noah's servant who falls in love with Japheth and becomes his wife. A descendent of Cain. She is strong, yet humble, kind, and smart.
Gender: Female
Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: G3

Young Cain
The older of the two brothers. Is curious and questioning like his mother. Intense.
Gender: Male
Age: 10 to 14
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Young Abel
The younger of the two brothers. Favors his father in personality. Obedient and devout.
Gender: Male
Age: 10 to 14
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: B3

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