BLEACHER BUMS – Directed by Mark Morchel – DATES for Audition January 28 & 29 – 7pm with performances on April 5 & 6, 2013
The Show: The play is an ensemble comedy that consists of a group of characters gathering to watch a Chicago Cubs baseball game in Chicago, summer 1998. Cold readings from the script will be provided at the audition.
Cast: ANNOUNCER - Male. Baseball Announcer voice. Never seen. GREG - Male, 20s. A gentle man. He has been blind since birth. MELODY Young female. attractive sun worshiper DECKER - Male, 40s. A successful, energetic businessman. CHEERLEADER - Young male. Hyperactive fanatic. MARVIN - Male, 30s. Professional gambler, sleezy. RICHIE - Male, 20s. Obnoxious, geek, personal habits and grooming are disgusting. ZIG - A large, older man. He is able to bellow and chew on a cigar simultaneously. ROSE - Older female. Zig’s wife of 30 years and a closet Cubs fan. THE KID - A little kid with a baseball glove. Male or female. (small role) THE GUARD - A guard, Male or Female (small role)
NOTE: Each character has their significant (hilarious!) moments in the production and needs to be fully developed by the actor. Visit for more information