by A.A. Cristi - September 27, 2023
The Semperoper invites you Puccini's Turandot, the first premiere production of the 2023/24 opera season – Dresden debut for director Marie-Eve Signeyrole – star-studded cast headed by Elisabeth Teige in the title role....
All those eligible to pay reduced prices (concessions) can claim the discount rate as soon as tickets go on general sale. If purchasing online, please ...
Prince Tamino is menaced by a wild dragon. At the last moment he is saved by three mysterious women, who have been sent by the ...
Political processes and the special dynamic associated with them are at the core of BORIS GODUNOV, Modest Mussorgsky’s only completed opera. Having created, in Czar ...
It is common knowledge that Giuseppe Verdi, by nature a critical man, not only found much to disapprove of in the trends of his day ...
When she is finally released from an evil spell by the kiss of a young prince, the Sleeping Beauty awakes and is – inspite of ...
Society lives in terror of a Princess. Turandot, the fascinating and beautiful representative of a ruling dynasty, presides over the cruelty. Matrimony alone seems likely ...
“Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” – Take flight, thought, on golden wings”. When those words first rang out in the Milan Scala on 9th March 1842, ...
The Dutchman is a cursed man, a driven man, an outsider. Richard Wagner encountered this stateless figure in the pages of Heinrich Heine, who suffused ...
The white swans, the fragile queen Odette, who enchants the sad prince with her ethereal charm, or the festive ball scenes, in which the whole ...
The second of Benjamin Britten's “maritime” operas revolves around the dramatic events on board the warship “Indomitable”. As with PETER GRIMES before it, this story, ...
Puccini's "Torture Opera", as Oskar Bie dubbed it, was based on LA TOSCA, the well received play by Victorien Sardou [1831–1908], which premiered in Paris ...
Gaetano Donizetti himself described his ELIXIR OF LOVE, which premiered in 1832, as an “opera buffa”, yet there is little to laugh about in this ...
It is the summer of 1789. A festivity is being prepared in the castle of Countess de Coigny. Charles Gérard, a servant of the Countess´ ...
“Puccini’s writing an operetta.” Though the whisper might have surprised us today, it would hardly have raised eyebrows in 1913, a time when there was ...
Violetta Valery is kept in luxury by her admirer Baron Douphol. Seemingly recovered from a serious illness, she hosts a glittering party at which she ...
Benjamin Britten’s last opera was also his most personal. The work is extraordinary not simply for the autobiographical threads that are reflected in Thomas Mann’s ...
Fear, vulnerability, passion – the dark extremes of human emotions dominate the three works of the ballet program “Duato | Kylian | Naharin”. While "Castrati" ...
Tannhäuser longs to return from the realm of Venus to his terrestrial existence. Only by invoking the Virgin Mary does he manage to escape from ...
Composer Noh Seollak and director Nam Inu, Korea’s leading specialist in children’s and youth theater, work together with the National Orchestra of Korea to present ...
Vive la France! Like no one else, the choreographers Jean-Christophe Maillot und Benjamin Millepied stand for the modern yet classically-rooted French ballet. Both of the ...
“La scuola degli amanti” – “The school for lovers” – is the subsidiary title of the third and last collaboration between Mozart and Lorenzo da ...
Edward II keeps bad company, and the friend he needs least is Piers de Gaveston, the son of a butcher. The king’s childhood playmate and ...
Concerts for babies? Why not? The savouring of music, the enjoyment of sounds both new and familiar, the urge to move in time to the ...
American Lieutenant Pinkerton's ship has dropped anchor in Nagasaki harbour. Seeking distraction, he has been courting Geisha Cio-Cio-San, named Butterfly, a girl of 15 from ...
Our feelings tell us immediately that Elsa is the one who can claim greater justification and that Lohengrin’s condition »Never ask me questions…« can only ...
In his LES HUGUENOTS [1836] Giacomo Meyerbeer transposed one of the bloodiest massacres in European history to the opera stage. The attempt by French Catholics ...
“Where have you gotten the deranged rights to which you've dedicated your life?”, asks George Sand of the legendary figure. He casually confides in Gottfried ...
Long after the Paris world premiere in 1896 Oscar Wilde’s tragedy “Salomé” remained a thorn in the flesh of the establishment across Europe. In Wilhelminian ...
This turbulent tale has an aged curmudgeon intent on marrying his own ward in order to get his hands on her inheritance. He does everything ...
This turbulent tale has an aged curmudgeon intent on marrying his own ward in order to get his hands on her inheritance. He does everything ...
Puccini had already proved his ability as a brilliant musical colourist with EDGAR (1889) and MANON LESCAUT, but it was only with LA BOHÈME that ...
“Amore, sommissione, dolcezza” were the words used by Verdi to describe his eponymous heroine Aida, an epitome of love, docility and tenderness. Aida joins a ...
Christmas comes particularly early to the Staatsballett Berlin: The beloved family classic “The Nutcracker” is scheduled for the beginning of October – and in the ...
Hansel and Gretel are the children of a poor broomstick maker and his wife. One day they are playing so boisterously that they neglect their ...
Sensuous, offensive and devoid of all civic sense of morality: CARMEN, Georges Bizet’s story of a fatal love triangle, scandalised the audience at its premiere ...
In 2016, Staatsballett dancer David Simic founded the „Ballettschule am Staatsballett“, which offers dance clas-ses for children. Each season, David Simic will also devise one ...
The young poet Lenskij is engaged to fun-loving Olga. When he introduces his friend Eugene Onegin to Larina, his future mother-in-law and a landowner, in ...
The realisation that THE ABDUCTION FROM THE SERAGLIO was a more significant work than the “musical comedy” label suggested was not long in coming. Not ...
"From a purely theatrical point of view I consider "Rigoletto" to be the best story that I've set to music so far […]. It has ...
Richard Wagner's PARSIFAL tells the story of a "pure-hearted fool", who is unaware of his vocation and true nature. Parsifal is caught between two opposing ...
Programme Dmitri Shostakovich (1906 – 1975) Violoncello Concert No 1, op. 107 Gustav Mahler (1860 – 1911) Symphony No 5...
King Gustav III holds his morning audience as if it were a theatre performance. His page, Oscar, hands the King the list of guests expected ...
Since its world premiere on 24th November 1839 at the Paris Conservatory, Berlioz’ dramatic symphony “Roméo et Juliette” has secured its reputation as one of ...
Love as a cliché, love as a figment of fantasy, love on the off-chance: this evening of experimental theatre revolves around the greatest opera theme ...
It would be falling far short of the mark to describe WERTHER as simply a novel set to music. Jules Massenet's “Drame lyrique” is an ...
“Where have you gotten the deranged rights to which you've dedicated your life?”, asks George Sand of the legendary figure. He casually confides in Gottfried ...
In the years of the “Risorgimento”, the Italian independence movement in the first half of the 19th century, the idea of an opera being banned ...
he second of Benjamin Britten's “maritime” operas revolves around the dramatic events on board the warship “Indomitable”. As with PETER GRIMES before it, this story, ...
Conventional and moderate he was not, in life as in art, and so it is with Hector Berlioz' musical rendition of the Faust myth, which ...
Betrayal, lost honour, guilt and atonement, passionate, transcendental love, a yearning for death and forgetting… the story of Tristan and Isolde, developed over centuries from ...
Puccini's "Torture Opera", as Oskar Bie dubbed it, was based on LA TOSCA, the well received play by Victorien Sardou [1831–1908], which premiered in Paris ...
Enrico wishes to marry off his sister Lucia to the mighty Lord Arturo Bucklaw in order to save himself from ruin. Lucia has sworn eternal ...
Gaetano Donizetti himself described his ELIXIR OF LOVE, which premiered in 1832, as an “opera buffa”, yet there is little to laugh about in this ...
Sensuous, offensive and devoid of all civic sense of morality: CARMEN, Georges Bizet’s story of a fatal love triangle, scandalised the audience at its premiere ...
Prince Tamino is menaced by a wild dragon. At the last moment he is saved by three mysterious women, who have been sent by the ...
Violetta Valery is kept in luxury by her admirer Baron Douphol. Seemingly recovered from a serious illness, she hosts a glittering party at which she ...
"From a purely theatrical point of view I consider "Rigoletto" to be the best story that I've set to music so far […]. It has ...
Richard Wagner's PARSIFAL tells the story of a "pure-hearted fool", who is unaware of his vocation and true nature. Parsifal is caught between two opposing ...
The boundaries between reality and fiction are blurred in Hoffmann's musical narratives. The poet conjures up in his mind three women, all of them representing ...
“I love the Ancients, regardless of their merits and deficits, because they are not like modern people, because they are new” explained Hector Berlioz, writing ...
It can be comforting to know that the tears dropped onstage are fake, the emotions only acted, and that the pains of the performers have ...
One third human, two thirds god, Gilgamesh, King of Mesopotamia, is a totalitarian egomaniac whose power and excesses know no bounds. Until, that is, the ...
Prince Tamino falls head over heels in love with Princess Pamina when he receives her picture as a gift. Pamina's love for the Prince is ...
Figaro and Susanna, servants at the court of Duke Almaviva, intend to marry. They are about to set up house in the quarters allotted to ...
This turbulent tale has an aged curmudgeon intent on marrying his own ward in order to get his hands on her inheritance. He does everything ...
Strictures and bigotry, tradition and control… rural life in a Moravian village smouldering under a burning glass. We follow the fortunes of the characters through ...
“This RING was produced in Berlin in 1984 and 1985. The Orwellian year of “1984” had long become obsolete. We had not only reached it, ...
“The “Time Tunnel” also served as the architectural base in SIEGFRIED. But it would appear that the audience was quite relieved about not having to ...
Since the procession of the Gods to Valhalla, many things have changed on the surface of the Earth, as well as above and below grounds. ...
“The beginning already anticipates the end. And the end is a new beginning. Temporalities and spaces overlap in the Ring. There is no time in ...
Just as Shakespeare's comedies never get bogged down in tattiness but always explore the sadness and loneliness behind the mask of tomfoolery, so too is ...
Puccini had already proved his ability as a brilliant musical colourist with EDGAR (1889) and MANON LESCAUT, but it was only with LA BOHÈME that ...
Hansel and Gretel are the children of a poor broomstick maker and his wife. One day they are playing so boisterously that they neglect their ...
“Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” – Take flight, thought, on golden wings”. When those words first rang out in the Milan Scala on 9th March 1842, ...
Ulf has a grandpa; Berra doesn't, but he wishes he had one like Ulf's – a grandpa who likes pork knuckle, drinks coffee and eats ...
Andreas Kriegenburg portrays the story of Verdi's OTELLO as a drama depicting the fatal break-up of a great love in a society conditioned by war. ...
It is common knowledge that Giuseppe Verdi, by nature a critical man, not only found much to disapprove of in the trends of his day ...
How can works from the Opera's repertoire be produced in such a way that they shed new light on a piece without the director's signature ...
Witches prophesy that Macbeth will become King of Scotland. Not he, but Banquo, will however be the progenitor of future kings. Driven by the relentless ...
A two-season collaboration with phase7 performing.arts, a Berlin-based network, has led to a number of projects in which the public plays an active role in ...
In his life-long quest for "grand, fresh, beautiful, bold, exciting material" Giuseppe Verdi also turned to the plays of the German Romantics, and four times ...
"The Deutsche Oper gives a concertante performance of Georges Bizet's THE PEARL FISHERS and something remarkable happens. The performance makes do with four soloists, chorus ...
The director of the Paris Opéra, Léon Pillet, told Richard Wagner unequivocally that it would be at least seven years before any of his operas ...
"Sorry, but you're not like us"… "You don't belong here"… - just two of the sentences aimed over and over again at the harmless little ...
Love, hatred, revenge, a missing mother who turns up at the end and, most of all, lashings of poison - such are the ingredients of ...
Melodramma in 3 acts; Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave; First performed on 11th March, 1851 in Venice; Premiered at the Deutsche Oper Berlin on 21. ...
For the famous choreographer Maurice Béjart dance is „total theatre“, not only steps. His masterpiece „Ring um den Ring“ is one of the most monumental ...
No orchestra pit here and no curtain in red plush. Instead visitors can expect a lounge atmosphere and cold beverages at the bar. Newcomers on ...
Wealthy goldsmith Veit Pogner has promised the hand of daughter Eva to the winner of the song contest scheduled for St John’s Day. His only ...
In Richard Wagner's RING OF THE NIBELUNG the hopes of the elders rest on the next generation. It is up to the children and grand ...
"We're alright!" chime the tiger and bear in self-satisfied unison. After all, they have everything they need to get by. Except that one day everything ...
Prince Tamino falls head over heels in love with Princess Pamina when he receives her picture as a gift. Pamina's love for the Prince is ...
In the children's version of Tchaikovsky's Christmas ballet fifty dancing children occupy our stage. As mice, soldiers, dolls, Spaniards, Russians and Chinese they accompany the ...
The Grand Opera Gala in support of the AIDS Foundation will again be held at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, the 19th occasion that the Opera ...
The words of Georg Hartmann, first intendant of the Deutsches Opernhaus, in 1912 as he explained his choice of the opera house's inaugural concert, are ...
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Kunst gegen Bares
Schnürschuh Theater (2/20 - 4/17) | |
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Aurel Mertz - Nobody
Freiheitshalle (6/29 - 6/29) | |
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Doubt - A parable by John Patrick Shanley
The English Theatre of Hamburg (2/13 - 4/12)
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Madama Butterfly
Theater Regensburg (4/5 - 6/21) | |
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Aurel Mertz - Nobody
Kabarett-Theater Die Wühlmäuse (7/14 - 7/14) | |
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