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Parsifal show poster

Parsifal at Deutsche Oper Berlin

Dates: (10/16/2016 - 10/30/2016 )


Deutsche Oper Berlin

Bismarckstr. 35
Berlin,Berlin 10627

Phone: +49 (30) 343 84 343

Tickets: $39.00 - $128.00

Running Time: 5 hrs 30 mins / 2 intervals

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Richard Wagner's PARSIFAL tells the story of a "pure-hearted fool", who is unaware of his vocation and true nature. Parsifal is caught between two opposing worlds - the ascetic society of the Knights of the Holy Grail and Klingsor's erotically charged magic garden. There, Parsival attains enlightenment from the kiss of a woman and is able to gain redemption for Amfortas, the suffering Grail king, and the Knights of the Grail. Borrowing freely from a diverse range of sagas, Christian and Buddhist motifs and Schopenhauer's ideas, Richard Wagner created his own mythical tale. Wagner, too, was plagued for decades by a fear of disaster and a constant thirst for redemption. With his PARSIFAL he addressed head-on the question of redemption, both private and social, and conjured his own utopia in the chaste, male world of the Knights of the Grail.

The premiere of Richard Wagner's PARSIFAL, his Bühnenweihfestspiel or 'festival drama for the consecration of the stage', represented the climax of festivities to mark the 100th anniversary of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. General Music Director Donald Runnicles teams up with film and opera director Philipp Stölzl, who has twice come up with spectacular and suggestive images for the works of Richard Wagner - in 2009 with THE FLYING DUTCHMAN at the Theater Basel and in 2010 with RIENZI at the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

Cast and Creative team for Parsifal at Deutsche Oper Berlin

Donald Runnicles
Stage Production
Philipp Stölzl
Mara Kurotschka
Conrad Moritz Reinhardt
Philipp Stölzl
Kathi Maurer
Chorus Master
Raymond Hughes
Ulrich Niepel
Children's Chorus
Christian Lindhorst
Thomas Johannes Mayer
Andrew Harris
Stephen Milling
Klaus Florian Vogt
Derek Welton
Daniela Sindram
First Knight of the Grail
Andrew Dickinson
Second Knight of the Grail
Alexei Botnarciuc
First Squire
Alexandra Hutton
Second Squire
Annika Schlicht
Third Squire
Paul Kaufmann
Fourth Squire
Attilio Glaser
Klingsor´s Flower Maiden
Siobhan Stagg
Adriana Ferfezka
Irene Roberts
Elena Tsallagova
Alexandra Hutton
Annika Schlicht
A Voice
Annika Schlicht
Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Kinderchor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Opernballett der Deutschen Oper Berlin


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