How can works from the Opera's repertoire be produced in such a way that they shed new light on a piece without the director's signature or the dubious pressure to be modern dominating unduly. What forms can musical theatre take in the 21st century? Might the answer lie in the performative dimension – an aspect of opera that allows elements of chaos and unpredictability, opting for developments that surprise and questions that niggle?
A research project headed by Barbara Beyer at the University of the Arts in Graz has been studying these issues for a number of years. The Opera is now presenting three different versions of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's COSÌ FAN TUTTE, with three young directorial teams taking three different approaches to the work and three ensembles enacting their respective visions. Performances will be on three successive evenings in the Tischlerei and will coincide with a symposium on the theme “The Future of Opera”.
Mord auf Ex | Logen-Seat
Uber Arena (3/20 - 3/20) | ||
STERNENGESCHICHTEN - Die Geheimnisse des Universums
Anna Spree (12/14 - 12/14) | ||
Liebe, Last und Fracht
Hafen RevueTheater (3/21 - 3/21) | ||
Sehnsucht nach dem Hafen - HafenRevue 2
Hafen RevueTheater (3/22 - 3/22) | ||
MAGISCHER SAMSTAG: Von Dornen und Rosen
Puppentheater Zwickau (5/3 - 5/3) | ||
Hans Zimmer Live Zusatzshow | Logen-Seat in der Ticketmaster Suite
Barclays Arena (10/27 - 10/27) | ||
Der Physiopath LIVE
Mayfair Saal im Metropol Theater (5/30 - 5/30) | ||
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