Walnut Street Theatre Company | Philadelphia, PA
Monday, March 24, 2025
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Doors will NOT be open prior to 9:30 AM.
For an appointment, email
WSTCastingOffice@gmail.com and provide your name, phone number, and choices of times. You will receive a confirmation.
LORT Non-Rep
$1371 weekly minimum (LORT A)
Equity actors for roles in Walnut Street Theatre Company's 2025-26 Season (see breakdown). All roles will be understudied.
Please prepare a 3 minute audition using your choice of a short monologue, contrasting musical selections, or a combination of monologue and a musical cut. An accompanist will be provided. Please also bring a picture and resume, stapled together. Actor musicians may bring instruments.
Walnut Street Theatre
825 Walnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19107-5107
See breakdown for production-specific personnel.
Brian Kurtas, CSA - Associate Artistic Director
New York City EPA - Monday, March 31
See breakdown for production-specific dates.
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Director: Fran Prisco
1st Rehearsal – September 9, 2025
Performances – September 30 - November 2, 2025
Also seeking understudies and replacements.
ELVIS PRESLEY – 20s; male; Singer/guitar player. Elvis in his 20s at the beginning of his career toward becoming the undisputed King of Rock 'n' Roll. Must be familiar with his music and be able to play guitar.
JERRY LEE LEWIS – 20s; male; singer/pianist; he was rock & roll’s legendary piano prodigy and celebrated “Last Man Standing.” A superb piano player, able to play like Jerry Lee Lewis; fun, energetic; comic skills a plus.
CARL PERKINS – mid 20s; male; singer/guitar player (lead guitar); he was the American pioneer of rockabilly music and best known for his song “Blue Suede Shoes”; An excellent lead guitarist.
JOHNNY CASH – mid 20s; male; singer/guitar player. Johnny Cash at the dawn of his epic career. Must be familiar with his music and be able to play guitar; tall.
BROTHER JAY – mid 20s; male; Upright Bass player, brother of Carl Perkins. Strong musician.
Director/Choreographer: Richard Stafford
1st Rehearsal – October 28, 2025
Performances – November 18 – January 6, 2026
JEAN SHEPHERD/NARRATOR: Late 40s to early 50s. Caucasian Male. Not a singing role. A great storyteller with charisma. Great speaking voice, who can tell an engrossing story and who has the quality to draw an audience into his magical world and weave a spell; a good-natured curmudgeon. Believably Midwestern.
RALPHIE: 9-12 (to play 9, going on 10) Caucasian boy. His voice must be UNCHANGED. A regular cute Midwestern kid. Bright, mischievous, and adventurous, but not precocious. Seeking a young kid who comes across on stage as real, but still has a large presence and personality. Must be an excellent singer and dancer, and able to carry a show. High belter.
RANDY: 8-9. Caucasian boy. Ralphie’s lovable younger brother. Smaller than Ralphie; cute, cuddly, and whiny. He admires his big brother, Ralphie, but won’t admit it. Seeking a young kid who is confident being on stage and comes across as real. Boy’s unchanged voice. High belter.
ENSEMBLE – All ages, gender-identities, ethnicities, body types, and voice parts to make up a chorus or families and people in this Indiana neighborhood. Should be able to hold harmonies and all must have strong voices and dance well.
KIDS - Strong singing and dancing kids, both boys and girls - 8-13. Must sing and move well to play speaking and singing roles including SCUT FARCUS, FLICK, GROVER DILL, and SCHWARTZ.
*World Premiere Play
Director: Bill Van Horn
1st Rehearsal – December 22, 2025
Performances – January 13 – February 15, 2026
Director: Bernard Havard
1st Rehearsal – February 3, 2026
Performances – February 24 – March 29, 2026
Seeking: ALL roles cast. Also seeking understudies and replacements.
Director/Choreographer: Glenn Casale
1st Rehearsal – March 24, 2026
Performances – April 14 – May 31, 2026
*This production is part of the city of Philadelphia’s 250th anniversary celebration of the signing of the Declaration.