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VANYA AND SONIA AND MASCHA AND SPIKE Equity Principal Auditions - International City Theatre Auditions

Posted April 8, 2016
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Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike: Local EPA
International City Theatre | Long Beach, CA

Date of Audition:

Call Type
Equity Principal

Monday, April 18, 2016
10:00AM - 2:00PM
Sign-up begins at 9:00AM

SPT 3 Minimum: $309/wk, $318/wk after 6/5/16

Lounge Theatre
6201 Santa Monica Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90038

See breakdown.

Actors will be given a short set of sides to prepare. MUST bring picture and resume.

Other Dates
Rehearsals start 5/17
Opens 6/8
Runs thru 7/3.

Performance Schedule: 4 shows per week. (Thurs., Fri., Sat. eves & Sun. matinee)

Director: Mary Jo DuPrey
Artistic Director/Producer: caryn desai
Casting Director: Michael Donovan, CSA

· EPA Rules are in effect.

· A monitor will be provided.

EPA rules in effect.
Sign-up begins at 9:00AM

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.


About the play: Middle-aged siblings Vanya and Sonia live an angst-ridden, melancholic existence on their Bucks County, PA family farm. Housecleaner-cum-soothsayer Cassandra, whose hilariously ambiguous prophecies keep them befuddled, provides the only break from monotony. That is, until their glamorous movie-star sister, Masha, swans in for a surprise visit-along with her hunky 20-something boy toy, Spike.

Please note: All roles require a keen understanding of the works of Anton Chekhov. Actors need a great sense of humor and comic timing. Understated and witty writing with an undertone of poetic sadness connects these roles together. Classical training a plus.


Vanya – Male, 50s, living in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Resigned to his life, more or less, at least compared to Sonia. Erudite, nostalgic for the ways things used to be. An honest, poetic, somewhat sad man who sees that life has passed him by.

Sonia – Female, early 50s, Vanya’s adopted sister, living with him in Bucks County. Discontent, upset, regretful. Has never seemed to be able to make her life happen and is quite histrionic about it. Blames the world and others (especially Masha) for her frustrated life.

Masha – Female, 50s, Vanya’s sister, a glamorous and successful actress who goes gallivanting around the world. Vain. Narcissist. Keeps a young lover (Spike), who she is frightened of losing. Dimly aware of her fragile station in life. Aging and worried about it. Must be the center of everyone’s attention.

Spike – Male, 20ish, an aspiring actor, buff and handsome, Masha’s new companion. Sexy, self-absorbed, but otherwise outgoing and friendly. Spends a lot of time in his underwear, and enjoys people looking at his great body while he does. Thinks auditioning for “Entourage II” is the height of theatrical artistry. A bit of a doofus, but sweet and likable.

Nina – Female, early 20s, lovely, luminous, sincere would-be actress, visiting her aunt and uncle (Vanya and Sonia) next door. Star-struck, earnest, kind, and enthusiastic. Has a true appreciation of art and artists. Sweet, honest, and open. Sees the glass half full.

Cassandra – Female, any age, cleaning lady and soothsayer. Sees visions, speaks faux Greek drama, and is also an acerbic realist. She calls it like she sees it. No nonsense. Uses voodoo against those who cross her.

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