Theatre Under the Stars | Houston, TX
$1902 weekly minimum - Stage manager
$1631 weekly minimum - Assistant stage manager
All Equity stage managerial positions for Theatre Under the Stars 2025-26 Season have been filled.
Please submit for future consideration.
Please submit your resume for future consideration to Will Burke, Artistic Associate.
Deadline: 03/29/2025
Laura Peete - TUTS Associate Artistic Director
Stephen W. Jones - Music Supervisor / Accompanist
Will Burke - Artistic Associate
See breakdown for production specific personnel.
See breakdown for production specific dates.
Equity contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
Theatre Under the Stars 2025-26 Season
Directed and Choreographed by Dan Knechtges
First Rehearsal: 10/7/25
First Preview: 10/21/25
Opening: 10/23/25
Closing: 11/3/25
Directed by Laura Peete
Choreographed by William Carlos Angulo
First Rehearsal: 11/18/25
First Preview: 12/9/25
Opening: 12/11/24
Closing: 12/24/25
Directed by Hunter Foster
First Rehearsal: 2/10/26
First Preview: 2/18/26
Opening: 2/19/26
Closing: 3/1/26
Directed and Choreographed by Dan Knechtges
First Rehearsal: 04/28/22
First Preview: 05/19/26
Opening: 5/21/26
Closing: 05/31/26