Call Type
Equity Principal and chorus
Equity Performer Auditions
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
12 PM to 4 PM each day
ref. to LORT; $542/week
Media Theatre
104 East State Street
Media, PA 19063
Equity actors who sing, men and women, principal and chorus
see breakdown.
Please prepare a song in the style of the show. Be prepared to move if asked. Music from the show is acceptable.
Bring picture and resume, stapled together.
Other Dates
Rehearsals begin March 24 and opens April 16 and closes on May 18.
Jesse Cline, Artistic Director
Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber;
book and lyrics Don Black and Christopher Hampton
based on a 1950’s film by Billy Wilder
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
No appointment necessary. AEA actors seen on first come, first seen basis.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.
Norma Desmond, u/s
40-60, soprano, a faded, eccentric, silent movie film star
Joe Gillis
25 to 40, bari-tenor, attractive, struggling screenwriter
Max Von Mayerling
50-70, bass baritone, intense former husband and now butler of Norma
Betty Schaeffer
25 to 35, mezzo soprano, belt, an up and coming writer and Joes love interest
Artie Green
35-40 , baritone, Betty’s fiancé
Cecil B. Demille
50-70, The famous director
to play various roles of actors, technicians, party guests,