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SIX CHARACTERS Equity Principal Actors - Lincoln Center Theater Auditions

Posted February 27, 2024
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SIX CHARACTERS - Lincoln Center Theater

Lincoln Center Theater | New York, NY


Monday, March 11, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
Lunch 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM


LORT Non-Rep
$972 weekly minimum (LORT C)


Equity actors for roles in SIX CHARACTERS (See breakdown).

LCT is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in all areas of its structure and operations as attention to these goals makes it stronger and helps better serve the artists, staff, crew, audience, and community at large.

LCT welcomes candidates who are fully committed to joining a theater that is proactively focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants from populations underrepresented in theater and who align themselves with LCT’s values and goals are strongly encouraged to audition.


Please prepare the sides which will be available on the morning of the audition. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Sunlight Studios
321 W 44th St
Ste #202
New York, NY 10036
Holding room - Studio E, 2nd Floor


Director: Dustin Wills
Writer: Phillip Howze
Casting Director: Daniel Swee
Expected to attend:
Casting Associate: Camille Hickman


1st Rehearsal: June 18, 2024
1st Performance: July 13, 2024
Opening: July 29, 2024
Close: August 25, 2024


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition.

An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




CHARACTER 1: Black. Male-identifying (inclusive). Late 20s - mid 40s. Deep insecurity. Bossy. Tightly-wound. Filterless. Speaks-in-draft. A grand sense of self. Believes his way is the only way. Perceived as pretentious and self-important by others. Masks his insecurities by holding tight to his power.

CHARACTER 2: Black. Female-identifying (inclusive). Mid 20s - mid 40s. Femme. Smart, opinionated and unafraid to speak her mind, she has a big presence. Savvy, calls it like she sees it, tough exterior, but then we see a crack in her armor...vulnerability, need and love.

CHARACTER 3: ROLE IS CAST. Black. Female-identifying (inclusive). 60 - 70s. Spirited. Though often in the background, when she speaks, she is clear and caring. A grounding figure for the other characters. Profundity of presence.

CHARACTER 4: ROLE IS CAST. Black. Male-identifying (inclusive). Mid 30s - 40s. Soulful. Down to earth. Physically powerful. Comfortable with himself with no need to put on airs.

CHARACTER 5: ROLE IS CAST. Black. Any/all genders. 20s. Fresh. Juvenile. Youthfully ambitious. Has an openness toward the world that comes from their inexperience with its rules and systems. Willingly shape shifts to people-please. Afraid of their own authenticity.

CHARACTER 6: Black. Any/all genders. 20s. Eager. Wary. Quietly curious. A survivor. Their journey has been difficult, but despite previous hardships they find wonder and awe in the place where they've arrived. A child who never got to play and is ready. Distrustful of strangers but hopeful to connect. Secretly skilled in the art of escape. Deep emotional well.

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