Opera House Arts | Stonington, ME
Saturday, March 29, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (E)
artisticdirector@operahousearts.org to request an appointment. Give the date and time preferred and put 2025 AUDITIONS in the subject line.
$538 weekly minimum (SPT 5)
Equity actors for roles in Opera House Arts' 2025 Season (see breakdown).
For ROOTED, please prepare either a short monologue of your choosing, or read from the sides provided. For MIDSUMMER, please prepare a short speech from the play, or from another Shakespeare play, preferably a comedy. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Stonington Opera House
1 School Street
Stonington, ME 04681-0056
Kathryn Markey, artistic director and director of MIDSUMMER
MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM by William Shakespeare - rehearses May 27th, runs June 19-29
ROOTED by Deborah Zoe Laufer - rehearses July 22nd, runs August 7-17
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
by Deborah Zoe Laufer
50s, female identifying. Lives in a treehouse and performs experiments to show the consciousness of plants. An eccentric who finds people confusing, and would rather be along with her plants. Very connected to the natural world.
20s, female identifying. Incredibly sweet and guileless. Hungry for joy, for a tribe, for something larger to believe in.
CAST. Emery's older sister and caretaker. She has been a waitress at the Millerville diner for way too long. Frustrated and powerless -- is it too late to do something with her life.
by William Shakespeare
20s, female identifying. Young Athenian in love with Lysander. Strong willed, independent. May double as SNUG.
20s, female identifying. Young Athenian in love with Demetrius. Friend of Hermia, determined and clever, confused by the circumstances. May double as SNOUT.
20s, male identifying. Young Athenian in love with Hermia. Romantic and idealistic. May double as FLUTE.
20s, male identifying. Young Athenian in pursuit of Hermia. Confident and determined. May double as STARVELING.
any age, male identifying. A weaver with an artist's soul. Has exceptional verbal and physical comedy skill.
any age, any gender. A carpenter and director of the Play-Within-The-Play. Organized and patient.
30s-50s, male identifying. King of the Fairies. Proud, powerful and vengeful, but ultimately with compassion. Will double as either THESEUS or HIPPOLYTA.
30s-50s, female identifying. Powerful, passionate and ethereal. Will double as either THESEUS or HIPPOLYTA.
any age, any gender. Leader of the fairy band. Has great physicality and facility with poetic language.
40s-50s, any gender. Athenian noble, parent of Hermia. Demanding and persistent.