LA CAGE AUX FOLLES - NYC ECC Dancers (Morning - All genders)
Barrington Stage Company | Pittsfield, MA
Notice: Audition Call Type: ECC
Pearl Studios (500)
500 8th Ave
New York, NY 10018-6504
Holding room - Studio 409
Book by Harvey Fierstein
Lyrics and Music by Jerry Herman
Directed by Mike Donahue
Music Direction by Angela Steiner
Choreography by Paul McGill
Artistic Director: Alan Paul
Artistic Producer/Director of New Works:
Branden Huldeen
Casting: McCorkle Casting LTD
Expected to Attend:
Paul McGill, Choreographer
Kevin Murakami, Associate Choreographer
Fiona McIntyre Sucher, Casting Associate,
McCorkle Casting
1st Rehearsal: May 14
1st Preview: June 11
Opening: June 15
Closing: July 6
ECC Procedures are in effect for this audition.
An Equity Monitor will be provided.
Monday, March 18, 2024
10:00 AM (E)
Lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
$772 weekly minimum (Ref. to COST)
Equity chorus dancers for LA CAGE AUX FOLLES.
SYNOPSIS: After 20 years of un-wedded bliss, Georges and Albin, two men partnered for better-or-worse, get a bit of both when Georges’ son (fathered during a one-night fling) announces his impending marriage to the daughter of a bigoted, right-wing politician. Further complicating the situation is the ‘family business’: Albin and Georges run a drag nightclub in St. Tropez, where Albin is the “star” performer Zaza. Georges reluctantly agrees to masquerade as “normal” when he meets the family of the bride-to-be. But Albin has other plans, with hilarious results.
There are no female-identified chorus roles, however the team is very open to seeing trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming dancers.
THE CAGELLES - Angelique, Chantal, Hanna, Mercedes, Phaedra, Bitelle, Clo-Clo, Giselle/AS CAST - Drag performers in the La Cage stage act. Strong voices, comedians, strong dancing skills. Unique and specialty tricks are very welcome.
Please come warmed up and ready to dance. Please bring heels and knee pads if available to you; if you don’t have heels, flats are suitable. Please prepare a brief song in case you are asked to stay and sing, and bring sheet music in the correct key. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.