Equity Dancers who sing extremely well for the ensemble in INVISIBLE THREAD (formerly titled “Witness Uganda”)
All characters are African-American, 18-35.
see breakdown for more info.
Please arrive warmed up and ready to dance. Aptitude in Ballet, Modern & African dance is beneficial. No character shoes please.
Bring picture and resume.
Other Dates
1st reh: 9/15/15. 1st performance: 10/31
Opening: TBA, Max run: 1/3/16
ECC/Dancers: 5/20, at Pearl 500, 10am men, 2pm women
ECC/Singers: 5/26, at Pearl 500, 10am women, 2pm men
Book/Music/Lyrics: Matt Gould & Griffin Matthews
Director: Diane Paulus
Choreographer: Darrell Moultrie
Music Supervisor: Matt Gould
Stephen Kopel, Casting
· Chorus rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.