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Barrington Stage 2024 LOA Season Equity Principal Actors - Barrington Stage Company Auditions

Posted February 28, 2024
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Barrington Stage 2024 LOA Season - Barrington Stage Company

Barrington Stage 2024 LOA Season - NYC EPA Barrington Stage Company | Pittsfield, MA

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)

BREAK: 1:00PM - 2:00PM



$772 weekly minimum (LOA ref. COST pending negotiations)


Equity actors for roles in Barrington Stage's 2024 LOA Season (See breakdown).


Please prepare a brief song or contemporary monologue. An accompanist will be provided - please bring sheet music in the correct key. Please bring a headshot and resume stapled together.


Pearl Studios (500)

500 8th Ave

New York, NY 10018-6504

Holding Room: Studio 314; Audition Room: Studio 315


Artistic Director: Alan Paul

Artistic Producer/Director of New Works: Branden Huldeen

Casting: McCorkle Casting LTD


Barrington Stage Casting Director: Pat McCorkle

Casting Director: Rebecca Weiss

Casting Associate: Fiona McIntyre Sucher

See breakdown for production-specific personnel.


See breakdown for production-specific dates.


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




Book by Harvey Fierstein

Lyrics and Music by Jerry Herman

Directed by Mike Donahue

Music Direction by TBD

Choreography by Paul McGill

1st Rehearsal: May 14

1st Preview: June 11

Opening: June 15

Closing: July 6


After twenty years of un-wedded bliss Georges and Albin, two men partnered for better-or-worse get a bit of both when Georges’ son (fathered during a one-night fling) announces his impending marriage to the daughter of a bigoted, right-wing politician. Further complicating the situation is the ‘family business’: Albin and Georges run a drag nightclub in St. Tropez, where Albin is the “star” performer Zaza. Georges reluctantly agrees to masquerade as “normal” when he meets the family of the bride to-be. But Albin has other plans, with hilarious results.


Albin - Baritone. 40s/50s, Male Presenting. A performer of star quality; mature; powerhouse voice, comedic.

Georges - Bass-Baritone. 40s/50s, Male Presenting. A star; mature; good singer; energetic, loving, moves well.

Jean-Michael - Baritone. 20s, Male Presenting. Well-mannered, educated; desperately in love with his fiancée, Anne.

Jacob - Baritone. 40s/50s, Male Presenting. Butler; brilliant comedian who sings and moves well. Anne - 20s, Female Presenting. Jean-Michael’s fiancé; spunky’ a superb dancer who acts well.

Edouard Dindon/AS CAST - 50s/60s, Baritone. Male Presenting. Anne’s father; right wing radical politician; pompous; quirky; sings, moves well, and is a fine comedian.

Marie Dindon/AS CAST - 40s/50s, Mezzo-Soprano. Female Presenting. Anne’s mother; shy, retiring, sexually repressed and sex-starved; good singer who moves well.

Jacqueline/AS CAST – Mature, Female Presenting. Friend of Georges and Albin; owns a chic restaurant; attractive, charming; very theatrical; not necessarily a singer.

Francis/AS CAST – Stage manager in Georges’ club; strong dancer

The Cagelles: Angelique, Chantal, Hanna, Mercedes, Phaedra, Bitelle, Clo-Clo, Giselle/AS CAST - Drag performers in the La Cage stage act. Strong voices, comedians, strong dancing skills. Unique and specialty tricks are very welcome.

Two Swings


Music by Tom Kitt

Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey

Directed by Alan Paul

1st Rehearsal: July 16

1st Preview: Aug 13

Opening: Aug 17

Closing: Sept 8


Diana Goodman is a suburban mom struggling with bipolar disorder. Her daughter, Natalie, is a stressed-out overachiever about to snap. And Dan, her exhausted architect husband, is determined to keep everything “normal.” As Diana’s symptoms worsen, and effective treatment remains elusive, the Goodmans must finally connect and learn how to see each other for who they truly are. This Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winning feel-everything (The New York Times) musical is a cathartic and empathetic masterpiece of modern musical theatre with soaring rock music and unforgettable characters.


DIANA: She/Her, 40s, any ethnicity. Delusional, bipolar, and depressed, but sharper than people think she is. She is determined to make her family perfect but is tortured by a death in her family. Vocal range G3-F#5

DAN: He/Him, 40s, any ethnicity. Diana’s husband. Handsome, genuine, a constant in Diana’s tumultuous life, but growing weary after years of dealing with her struggles. Vocal range Ab2-B4

GABE: He/Him, 18+ to play teen, any ethnicity. Diana and Dan’s son. Dashing, athletic, bright, he lights up the room. Everything a mother could imagine. Vocal range B2-C5

NATALIE: She/Her, 18+ to play teen, any ethnicity. Diana and Dan’s troubled daughter. An accomplished pianist and hardworking student, obsessed with perfection. She fears that she may one day become like her mother and longs to run far away. Vocal Range G3-G5

HENRY: He/Him, 18+ to play teen, any ethnicity. Natalie’s boyfriend and classmate. A musician, a philosopher, and a slacker, with a wiser than his years capacity for sympathy. Vocal Range G#2-B4

DR. MADDEN: He/Him, 30s-40s, any ethnicity. Diana’s psychiatrist. Assured of his methods. A bit of a rock star. Vocal Range A2-A4


Directed by TBD

Written by Eboni Booth

1st Rehearsal: Aug 20

1st Preview: Sept 13

Opening: Sept 21

Closing: Oct 13


Kenneth, a 36-year-old bookstore worker in a small upstate New York town, spends his evenings sipping Mai Tais at the local tiki bar with his best friend Bert. When he’s suddenly laid off, Kenneth faces challenges he has long avoided—with transformative and heart-warming results. Primary Trust is a touching story of new beginnings, old (and new) friends, and finding the courage to see the world for the first time.


KENNETH: character presents as male, late 30s, Black. Kenneth is introverted and developmentally delayed due to a traumatic childhood. He is best friends with Bert, who Kenneth is fully aware is imaginary. Kenneth spends all of his free time with Bert drinking two-for-one Mai Tai’s at Wally’s. When the bookstore closes its doors for good, Kenneth is forced to face a new career and old demons.

BERT: character presents as male, late 30s – 40s, Black. Kenneth’s imaginary best friend. In fact, Bert is the only real friend that Kenneth has ever known. Kenneth’s moral and social compass. Created in the image of the social worker who saved Kenneth when he was a child and has been with Kenneth ever since.

CORRINA / WALLY’S WAITERS / BANK CUSTOMERS: character presents as female, 30s – 40s, Black. Strong character, Doubles as multiple roles, including Corrina, a waitress who befriends Kenneth and introduces him to the possibility of a new career path, as well as others.

CLAY / SAM / LE POUSSELET BARTENDER: character presents as male, 50s – 60s, Caucasian. Strong character, Doubles as multiple roles including Sam, the bookstore owner, and Clay, the manager at Primary Trust who takes a chance on Kenneth, as well as others.


Written by Mark St. Germain

Directed by Ron Lagomarsino

1st Rehearsal: July 2

1st Preview: July 30

Opening: Aug 3

Closing: Aug 25


In Minnesota, a convict who has served their time for anything from drugs to murder is allowed, after proving their rehabilitation in society, to seek Forgiveness from the Governor - a pardon that would give them greater opportunities for jobs, housing and activities formerly prohibited. It's a dramatic, pressurized process where men and women plead to be accepted back into the fold - or be left on the outskirts of society. And, at Barrington Stage, the audience will vote on FORGIVENESS.


Actor 1 - CAST.

Actor 2 - Any age, any ethnicity. Will double multiple roles.

Actor 3 - Any age, any ethnicity. Will double multiple roles.

Actor 4 - Any age, any ethnicity. Will double multiple roles.

Actor 5 - Any age, any ethnicity. Will double multiple roles.


Written by Marc Camoletti, translated by Beverly Cross and Francis Evans

Directed by Julianne Boyd

1st Rehearsal: June 21

1st Preview: July 13

Opening: July 21

Closing: Aug 3


It’s the swinging ‘60s. Paris. Carefree American bachelor Bernard (Chris Innvar) is living the high life - engaged to 3 flight attendants from various airlines (TWA, Alitalia and Lufthansa) at the same time. While carefully tracking time schedules and taking copious notes so they don’t all arrive all at once, he needs major help from his housekeeper (Debra Jo Rupp) who plays the reluctant but very competent romantic air-traffic controller. An unsophisticated school chum of Bernard’s (Mark H Dold) arrives from Wisconsin unannounced and marvels at the arrangement until speedier jets and changes in flight schedules wreak havoc on Bernard’s carefully orchestrated plans. Chaos ensues and high-flying jinks rule the day. Boeing Boeing was a Tony winner for Best Revival of a play.

NOTE: Actors with physical comedy experience are encouraged to audition.


Bernard – CAST 40s-50s – sophisticated American architect living in Paris, loves women so much that he’s engaged to 3 at the same time. Very assured of himself, a bit cocky in the beginning but his life starts to unravel quickly as schedules and women begin to collide.

Robert – CAST 40s-50s – An unsophisticated, nerdy school chum of Bernard’s. Coming to Paris to get married though has no experience with women. As things fall part, Robert becomes cleverer than he ever thought possible as he tries to protect Bernard. Along the way, various attendants find his innocence charming, and one even falls in love with him, to his great surprise.

Berthe - CAST 30s-50s – long suffering housekeeper of Bernard’s who sees it all and aids Bernard in keeping track of his life and fiancés. Very dry sense of humor can only take the chaos for so long and is eventually driven to drink. Has a French accent.

Gloria- 30s. An air attendant with TWA. Adorable, from New York, with very strange taste in food (i.e. uses ketchup on her pancakes). She is the most independent of the 3 women, having studied Women’s Liberation and asserts herself when needed. May or may not use a light New York accent.

Gabriella – 30s. An air attendant with Alitalia. Great energy, the only one who’s suspicious of Bernard’s so-called “monastic life “when she’s away. Has great zest for life and truly loves Bernard. Has an Italian accent.

Gretchen- 30s – 40s. An air attendant with Lufthansa. Tall (5’8” or taller), strong, willful woman, lives for passion. Falls hard for Robert and won’t let him go. Has a German accent.


Written by Ben Powers (adapted from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet)

Directed by Alan Paul

First rehearsal: June 4

First preview: June 25

Opening: June 29

Closing: July 20


Unlike the teenage lovers of Shakespeare's original story, this Romeo and Juliet have been together for decades. The couple has long ago endured the loss in infancy of a child, something that has drawn them even closer, but now they must decide how to face another daunting life event.


Romeo- he/him, 60+, married to Juliet. Smart, intense, has lived a full life. Any Ethnicity. Great with language.

Juliet- she/her, 60+, married to Romeo. Soulful, pragmatic, intelligent, has lived a full life. Any ethnicity. Great with language.

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