Center Repertory Company | Walnut Creek, CA
Saturday, March 29, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (P)
Lunch 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
To schedule an audition appointment please email: OR submit here:
2024-25 minimum weekly rates - (Ref. to LOA):
$569 weekly minimum - 32-hour workweek
Equity actors for roles in A CHRISTMAS CAROL (See breakdown). All races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, and dis/abilities are encouraged to audition. We will be casting understudies for this show.
Please prepare a monologue(s) of your choice in the style of the piece. You will have up to 3 minutes. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Lesher Center for the Arts
1601 Civic Dr
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4299
Vukasin Theatre. Parking Garage directly next door to the Lesher Arts Center
Adapted by Harrison David Rivers
Expected to attend:
DIRECTOR: Jared Mezzocchi
CASTING DIRECTOR: Kimberly Donovan, CSA (KSD Casting)
FIRST REHEARSAL: November 4, 2025
TECH: December 4, 2025
PREVIEWS: December 10-11, 2025
OPENING: December 12, 2025
CLOSING: December 21, 2025
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition. Equity's contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
NOTE: Most roles require performer to carry a tune in character.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 50-60s. A man of business. Incredibly wealthy, but frugal. Miserly even. Personal loss has made him hard. He will be cracked open by play’s end. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 30-50s. SCROOGE’S clerk. A devoted husband and father. Longsuffering and compliant. He will stand up to his employer by play’s end. Doubles as JACOB MARLEY.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 20-30s. SCROOGE’S nephew and only living relative. Playful and generous. His persistence will be rewarded by play’s end. Doubles as FEZZIWIG and PRESENT. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 30-40s. Person with a disability. His true identity will be revealed by the play’s end. Doubles as SOLICITOR 1 and FUTURE. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Female-identifying, 30-50s. BOB CRATCHIT’S wife. Cheeky, yet grounded. Her hope will be buoyed by play’s end. Doubles as SOLICITOR 2 and MRS. FEZZIWIG. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Female-identifying, 20s. SCROOGE’S sister. A compassionate advocate. Doubles as PAST and MARTHA. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Female-identifying, 20-30s. Open to all physical types, differences and disabilities. SCROOGE’S great love. Clever and spirited. Doubles as LILY. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, 20s. A young EBENEZER SCROOGE. Bookish and earnest. Doubles as ELLIS. Comfortable carrying a tune (in character).
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, child. Person with a disability. Perceptive and older than his years.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, child. Studious and hopeful.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, child. Bright and industrious. Doubles as PETER.
Any Ethnicity, Male-identifying, child. Affable.
Any Ethnicity, Female-identifying, child. Nosy and adorable.
Any Ethnicity, Male/Female-identifying, child. Clever.