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Rosanna Liuski - Page 4

Rosanna Liuski

Rosanna Liuski has been passionate about theatre for the past decade. Her biggest achievements as an actor have been in Rambo at Finnish National Theatre, directed by Elina Kilkku, 2015; SKAM at Culture House Martinus, Finland's premiere, directed by Tiina Brännare, 2020; On Your Lips short film directed by Joonas Rutanen, Making Movies 2012, that received the best National short -award.

As a critic she always looks for the deeper meanings in the performances, either psychologically, politically or philosophically. "Theatre is for entertainment, a moment for escape, but most importantly for growth; an imaginative pathway to understand the world", is her view on theatre.

Her goal is to become a director in the field, though she is currently studying physiotherapy in Helsinki, Metropolia. She is interested in psycho-physical viewpoint and breathing, which she believes is going to help her to become a succesful director as well.

She has been Finland's admin since Autumn 2018.

If you want Rosanna Liuski to review your show contact her: , Instagram


First Show:

For Broadwayworld: Musta Saara - Finnish National Theatre (2018)

Favorite Show:

Jane Eyre

Favorite Stories:

January 13, 2021

Comedic acting is not for everyone. It needs a distinct, different type of view of life as well. One has to see the amusement in oneself and in life situations. You have to be able to set yourself to be laughed at, to see yourself as a comedic character so to speak.

BWW Finland Review and Analysis: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by AGATHA CHRISTIE at Tampere Theatre
BWW Finland Review and Analysis: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE by AGATHA CHRISTIE at Tampere Theatre
October 31, 2020

Agatha Christie was a genius and it was nothing else but a proper time to celebrate her talent during a dimming, windy Autumn evening. The tickets are quite in demand for this mysterious whodunnit, which at least held me in its suspenseful grip from the very beginning all the way to the end.

Top-Class Comedy at Kouvola: TÄMÄ ON RYÖSTÖ, BWW Review
Top-Class Comedy at Kouvola: TÄMÄ ON RYÖSTÖ, BWW Review
October 29, 2020

On 17.10. I went to see the very premiere of Tämä on ryöstö (Comedy about bank robbery - Play by Henry Lewis, Henry Shields, and Jonathan Sayer). It was my first visit to Kouvola Theatre and gosh was I delighted.

BWW Finland review: CABARET takes you from dances to hungover mornings of Berlin at Turku City Theatre
BWW Finland review: CABARET takes you from dances to hungover mornings of Berlin at Turku City Theatre
September 15, 2020

All in all Cabaret is a fresh interpretation of the old classic with distincitve Höglund-aesthetic. The music leaves to play in your head and lights to blink in your eyes - though you'd close them.

August 27, 2020

Syvä into ja rakkaus tekemiseen näkyi myös tässä produktiossa

BWW Review: GYPSY CAMP GOES TO HEAVEN at Summer Theatre Of Vuohensaari
BWW Review: GYPSY CAMP GOES TO HEAVEN at Summer Theatre Of Vuohensaari
August 14, 2020

I went to see the Gypsy camp goes to Heaven at Vuohensaari's Summer theatre. First I have to say that the promo pictures by Mikko Pääkkönen are really good and present the atmosphere of the show quite well. I love the hues and some what dreamy atmosphere they have.

BWW haastattelu: Teemu Aromaa HELPOSSA EROSSA, Emma Teatteri ja Turun Kaupunginteatteri
BWW haastattelu: Teemu Aromaa HELPOSSA EROSSA, Emma Teatteri ja Turun Kaupunginteatteri
July 5, 2020

Teemu nauttii 'straight manin' esittämisen haasteista Helpossa Erossa.

VIDEO: Finland's Musical Artists Build A Mash Up Video To Bring People Up From Corona Agony
VIDEO: Finland's Musical Artists Build A Mash Up Video To Bring People Up From Corona Agony
April 26, 2020

'We did this project in coorporation with musical artists of Finland, who because of covid-19 got unemployed. We wanted to come together as a team to cheer everyone up during these difficult times by doing what we love the most. As they say: we are all in this together - Don't stop believin'!' WATCH THE VIDEO

March 9, 2020

Hitler ja Blondi on esityksenä muotoutuva ja vaatii herkkyyttä ja heittäytymiskykyä katsojassa. Ei siis kannata odottaa jotain helppoa dialogia tai selkeää alkua, keskikohtaa ja loppua. Välillä roolihenkilöt asettuvat katsojan asemaan ja kerronnassa hypitään asioista toiseen, onneksi selkeässä järjestyksessä, 'laulujen muodossa', jotka heijastetaan seinälle, jopa numeroituna yhdestä kolmeentoista.

BWW arvio: KUKA TAHANSA MEISTÄ, Valtsikan Speksi
BWW arvio: KUKA TAHANSA MEISTÄ, Valtsikan Speksi
February 21, 2020

'Speksillä tarkoitetaan opiskelijoiden toteuttamaa musiikkinäytelmää, jossa yhdistyvät draamalliset elementit, musiikki, tanssi, laulu ja improvisaatio. Speksiin kuuluvana improvisaatioelementtinä mukana ovat yleisön omstart-huudot, joiden avulla katsojat voivat vaikuttaa lavan tapahtumiin.' /

BWW Review: SAPIENS at the Finnish National Theatre
BWW Review: SAPIENS at the Finnish National Theatre
February 12, 2020

Sapiens got its premiere in Autumn 2019 but was so succesfull that it got more shows in Spring 2020. To put it short I totally recommend this experience, especially if you loved the book or if you love the endearing documentaries narrated by Jarmo Heikkinen.

BWW Arvio: HUMISEVA HARJU ravistelee Helsingin Kaupunginteatterilla
BWW Arvio: HUMISEVA HARJU ravistelee Helsingin Kaupunginteatterilla
February 7, 2020

Maijalan ohjauksessa nautittavia yksityiskohtia on lukuisia. Tietynlaisia fyysisiä eleitäkin on rajatusti, mikä tuo selkeyttä ja yhtenäisyyttä esitykseen: sormella tasapainoteltavaa alkoholia, naaman vääntelyä käsillä, lintuja ja niiden höyheniä sekä kiljuntaa. 

BWW Interview and review: Katie Mitchell behind ARIADNE AUF NAXOS at Finnish National Opera
BWW arvio ja haastattelu: FULL PULL, WOYZECK Teatteri Jurkassa
BWW arvio ja haastattelu: FULL PULL, WOYZECK Teatteri Jurkassa
January 29, 2020

Teatteri Jurkan pieni teatteritila on lavastettu olohuonemaisesti. Muuttolaatikoista hohkaa valoa. Lattialla on kasa kirjoja, joissa komeilee suurmiehien nimiä: Loiri, Jussi Parviainen, Tauno Palo, Dostojevski, Stanislavski, Turkka. Turkan kirja on punainen.

BWW Review: YOUTH ON STAGE: ANNIE the musical at Culture House Martinus
BWW Review: YOUTH ON STAGE: ANNIE the musical at Culture House Martinus
January 13, 2020

All in all Annie is fairly good musical full of surprises, not to mention its humane approach to life: Magical things can happen to us, but if the little details you've longed for so long don't match, it's more than okay to feel sad, though it might feel wrong in the first hand. In the end, tomorrow's only a day away anyways. I love you, tomorrow... And I love you, Vaskivuori!

BWW Review: MEDUSA'S ROOM BY Q-THEATRE at The Finnish National Theatre
BWW Review: I Didn't Like KNIVES OUT And Here's Why
BWW Review: I Didn't Like KNIVES OUT And Here's Why
December 9, 2019

Kinves Out has just recently hit the cinemas. It has gained great reviews from critics and audiences. Unfortunately, there was one fellow who left the cinema with a great sigh. Me, who just two hours earlier had waited for an interesting murder-mystery that would have kept me on the edge of my seat from the beginning to the end like The Prestige (Nolan, 2006) did.

BWW ARVIO: PEPPI PITKÄTOSSU on tehty suurella sydämellä Suomen kansallisbalettiin
BroadwayWorld Arvostelu: OTTEITA Vallilan Konepajassa, Kansallisteatterin Nuortenteatteri
BWW Review: FORK ACAPELLA GROUP'S CHAPTER ONE: THE END at Swedish Theatre Of Helsinki
BWW Review: FORK ACAPELLA GROUP'S CHAPTER ONE: THE END at Swedish Theatre Of Helsinki
November 21, 2019

This was my first time seeing and most of all hearing the FORK acapella group. They started in 1996, so after 22 years of touring they have decided to call it quits. The show had the atmosphere of a funeral in terms of clothing and lighting, but later on after the intermission it rose to celebration, bright colors of beauty and joy of memorial.

