Rosanna Liuski has been passionate about theatre for the past decade. Her biggest achievements as an actor have been in Rambo at Finnish National Theatre, directed by Elina Kilkku, 2015; SKAM at Culture House Martinus, Finland's premiere, directed by Tiina Brännare, 2020; On Your Lips short film directed by Joonas Rutanen, Making Movies 2012, that received the best National short -award.
As a critic she always looks for the deeper meanings in the performances, either psychologically, politically or philosophically. "Theatre is for entertainment, a moment for escape, but most importantly for growth; an imaginative pathway to understand the world", is her view on theatre.
Her goal is to become a director in the field, though she is currently studying physiotherapy in Helsinki, Metropolia. She is interested in psycho-physical viewpoint and breathing, which she believes is going to help her to become a succesful director as well.
She has been Finland's admin since Autumn 2018.
If you want Rosanna Liuski to review your show contact her: , Instagram