STAGE TUBE: Watch a Sneak Peek of Imelda Staunton & More in GOOD PEOPLEApril 15, 2014The West End production of the critically acclaimed Good People will play a limited run of ten weeks at the Noel Coward Theatre. Performances began April 10th and will continue until June 14th. Jonathan Kent's production of David Lindsay-Abaire's award-winning play received universal praise when it made its UK premiere at Hampstead Theatre on March 5th. Click below to watch a sneak peek of the production!
STAGE TUBE: Sneak Peek of New York Theatre Workshop's RED-EYE TO HAVRE DE GRACEApril 15, 2014Artistic Director James C. Nicola and Managing Director Jeremy Blocker have announced that Red-Eye to Havre de Grace will begin performances Tuesday, April 22 at 7pm at New York Theatre Workshop, 79 East 4 Street, between Second Avenue and Bowery. Click below to watch a sneak peek of this new musical!
Kenji Mizoguchi Will Receive of Retrospective at Moving Image, 5/2-6/8April 11, 2014Known for the exquisite beauty of his films and hailed as one of the greatest filmmakers ever by many critics, scholars, and filmmakers, Kenji Mizoguchi (1898-1956) produced 85 films that spanned the silent and sound eras in Japan.Of these works, only 30 exist today. Museum of the Moving Image and the Japan Foundation will present all of these extant works in a major retrospective-the first in North America in nearly 20 years and the first to feature all 30 titles-from May 2 through June 8, 2014.
Musical Adaptations ONCE/TWICE Open at Roy Arias Stage IV on 5/16April 10, 2014PASSAJJ Productions is proud to present Once/Twice, two musical adaptations by veteran composer and lyricist Paul Dick (A For Adultery, Madame Bovary). Once is an adaptation of the short play A Sunny Morning by Serafin and Joaquin Quintero, while Twice is based on The Bear by Anton Chekhov.
Trisha Brown Dance Company Raises $2.5 Million in FundraisingApril 8, 2014The Trisha Brown Dance Company has raised $2.5 million, or half of the goal of the fundraising campaign it launched 13 months ago, according to an announcement by Brown Board President Kirk Radke. The money is earmarked for programs that ensure the future of the company.
SIN, SEX & THE C.I.A. Opens Tonight at Hanover Little TheatreApril 3, 2014The audience might have a hard time telling the good guys from the bad guys in 'Sin, Sex & the C.I.A.,' the next show in Hanover Little Theatre's (HLT's) 65th season. This laugh-out-loud farce is written by Michael Parker and Susan Parker, authors of last season's hit comedy 'Sex Please, We're Sixty.'