BWW Reviews: 1984, Almeida Theatre, February 13 2014February 14, 2014'Orwellian' is a word understood by millions of people who have never read George Orwell's books; 'Big Brother' and 'Room 101' are television shows that feel like they have been around since 1984; and screens fill our homes which we use to 'interact'.
BWW Reviews: BEAR, Old Red Lion Theatre, January 31 2014February 1, 2014Through the haze of fatigue, parents can only just recall the early days of child-rearing. You expect, and get, the end of a previous life and the start of another, one full of nappies, sleepless nights and a continual planning ahead to make sure that at least one parent will be with the baby at all times.
BWW Reviews: SHANG-A-LANG, King's Head Theatre, January 24 2014January 25, 2014Just before she hit it big (Dancin' Queen big) with Mamma Mia! (the Rocky Horror Show de nos jours), Catherine Johnson wrote Shang-a-Lang (revived at the King's Head Theatre until 15 February). So is it the 'Ring-Ring' that foreshadows 'Waterloo'? Well, maybe.
BWW Reviews: THE UGLY SISTERS, Soho Theatre, January 22 2014January 23, 2014Pantomime, even fairy tales, are not known for their well-rounded characters - and the cookie-cutter bad girls, The Ugly Sisters from Cinderella, are no exceptions. But what if they were not men in drag, not just caricatures on envy, not just vicious bullies - what if they were real women?
BWW Reviews: OTHELLO, Riverside Studios, January 16 2014January 18, 2014Though not among Shakespeare's more gory tragedies (competition is pretty fierce after all), Othello is surely his most brutal, a slow motion car crash, in which love and trust go up against cynicism and venality - and lose.
2014 Theatre Preview: Gary Naylor's PicksJanuary 4, 2014One of the joys of a gig like mine is precisely the opposite of this piece's predicate - I do not look forward to productions at all, simply rolling with the flow and seeing what might come up.
BWW Reviews: FOLDS, Southbank Centre, December 19 2013December 20, 2013Four lads bicker on stage in a multiplicity of languages - like a bad night in the Green Room at the Eurovision Song Contest. There's a slightly bossy one, a tall one, a sensitive one and a feisty little one. And on that familiar structure, Folds unfolds its extraordinary hour of circus, music, dance and wonder.
BWW Reviews: SLAVA'S SNOWSHOW, Royal Festival Hall, December 18 2013December 19, 2013Like a giant teddy bear in a red nose, the Yellow Clown chases a balloon one minute, kicks through snow the next and, occasionally, clambers into the audience. He's a clown, but often a sad one, alone at first, until... Mayhem!