Disguised as a man, Anne Bonny stows away on Captain Calico Jack’s pirate ship and becomes his lover. When fellow gender-bending seafarer Mary Read crawls aboard, the ship’s course isn’t the only thing that’s no longer straight. Breaking hearts and gender boundaries, the trailblazers leave behind a stream of looted treasure and treacherous ex-lovers, fleeing the shadow of the Pirate Hunter General who dreams of taking down piracy and pansexuality. When the two are captured, their cover is blown – but will the Pirate Hunter be merciful when he sees that their bellies are brewing more than just rum? Subverting historical narratives, this outlandish comedy with songs tells the ne’er-before-seen queer tale of two forgotten mistresses of the sea who left behind the land and the patriarchy to be pirates at large.
26 March – 13 April
Soho Theatre Dean Street, 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE
Tues - Fri 7:00pm, Sat 3:00pm and 7:00pm 26 – 28 March, £13.00 – £11.00
29 March – 13 April, £20.00 - £14.20
www.sohotheatre.com | 020 7478 0100
Running Time: 65 mins (no interval) | Suitable for ages 16+
Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle (2/13/25-3/1/25)
Soho Theatre is at Soho Theatre Dean Street, 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE , London.
Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle (2/13/25-3/1/25)
Bright Places (12/2/24-12/7/24)
A Terrible Show for Terrible People @ London Clown Festival (7/11/24-7/11/24)
Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time (7/8/24-7/13/24)
Sunny Side Up (5/28/24-6/1/24)
52 Monologues for Young Transexuals (3/4/24-3/16/24)
Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time (2/19/24-2/24/24)
HOW TO FLIRT: The TED XXX-mas EDITION (12/14/23-12/16/23)
LORENZO: Ben Target (9/27/23-10/14/23)
The Arc: A Trilogy of New Jewish Plays (8/15/23-8/26/23)