Actor, writer and Drag King Daisy Doris May brings her solo show How to Flirt: The TED XXX-mas Edition to Soho Theatre this winter following a successful Edinburgh Fringe 2023 run.
Guildfordian Steve Porters (Lock Up Ur Daughters) has been on a big journey with the ladies. He’s been listenin. Learnin. Lovin.
To the committed couples…
it’s never too late to spice it up. Hoiii!
And to my Single Pringles…
His tree may be fake. But Steve’s connection to u lot won’t be. Wheyy.
Produced by Häus of Dons, May’s alter ego Guildfordian Steve Porters teaches the audience how to flirt in this hilarious one-person show, which examines gender binaries, toxic masculinity – and how to spoon.
Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle (2/13/25-3/1/25)
Soho Theatre is at Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, London, W1D 3NE, London.
Jordan Brookes: Fontanelle (2/13/25-3/1/25)
Bright Places (12/2/24-12/7/24)
A Terrible Show for Terrible People @ London Clown Festival (7/11/24-7/11/24)
Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time (7/8/24-7/13/24)
Sunny Side Up (5/28/24-6/1/24)
Pansexual Pregnant Piracy (3/26/24-4/13/24)
52 Monologues for Young Transexuals (3/4/24-3/16/24)
Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time (2/19/24-2/24/24)
LORENZO: Ben Target (9/27/23-10/14/23)
The Arc: A Trilogy of New Jewish Plays (8/15/23-8/26/23)