“Who knows but after my honourable burial, I may have a glorious resurrection in following ages” - Margaret Cavendish, 1655.
A woman stands alone in a pit of ashes. What happens next is a live resurrection. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Madge is a one-woman musical, where 17th Century visionary Margaret Cavendish returns to the living for an hour of stand-up, manifesto, performance art and experimental musical theatre.
Madge was a renowned writer, playwright, scientist, philosopher, early animal rights activist, and arguably the very first science fiction author. Renowned not for her skill and innovation, but for being ‘mad’. Samuel Pepys called her ‘a mad, conceited, ridiculous woman’. Virginia Woolf said her plays were ‘intolerable’.
They all called her ‘Mad Madge’. Her name? Margaret Cavendish.
Margaret’s plays were never performed in her lifetime. To make up for it, we’ve given Madge her own one-woman musical. This isn’t a dramatised Wikipedia page. It’s not even a loose biopic. This is a live resurrection.
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Madge has been programmed by VAULT Creative Arts as part of their inaugural season at The Glitch.
Written by Packham & Kealy, in co-creation with Anna Hale
Produced by PINCHY theatre
WRITER & DIRECTOR: Clare Packham
Programmed by VAULT Creative Arts
The Glitch, Waterloo SE1 7AE
Tap Root (2/12/25-2/17/25)
The Glitch is at London, London.
Tap Root (2/12/25-2/17/25)
Brown Girl Noise! (1/22/25-2/10/25)