Voltaire’s Candide (British première of a new/extended adaptation) is adapted and performed by Prentis Hancock. The show will be directed by Brian Cummins and David Roylance and will be presented by Worldzend.
Candide will be performed at the Greenwich Playhouse (Greenhouse Station Forecourt, 189 Greenwich High Road, London SE10 8JA) from 7th-26th April 2009. Tuesday-Saturday performances will be at 8:00 pm and Sunday performances will be at 4:00 pm. Tickets cost £11.00, £9.00 (concession). For box office information phone: 020-8858 9256 or email: boxoffice@galleontheatre.co.uk.
Written exactly 250 years ago, by the leading light of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, Voltaire’s loved and most-read Candide or Optimism remains a winner. When it was secretly published, Candide became an overnight success. Taking as his model, Leibniz’s treatise Optimism, Voltaire explodes the thesis that the world is the ‘very best’ that God can make it. This ‘philosophy’ is epitomised in the character of Master Pangloss and his famous assertions that ‘All is for the best … in the best of possible worlds’.Videos