The show, written and directed by Tereza Briggs-Novaes, will run from the 1 - 25 of March
'Where should I go? I'm not the sort of person to live in another country. My place is here; this is my country, my language, my identity.'
"September" is a new political play about love, betrayal, and murder that links General Pinochet's coup in Chile on September 11, 1973, and the attacks on New York City, on September 11, 2001.
Brazilian theatre director and playwright Tereza Briggs-Novaes has devised a play that spans over three decades and looks at the issue of personal responsibility for great political events.
Three lives, two 9/11.
Cast: Stephanie Ellyne, John Terence, Bianca Beneduzi, Lukas Rimkus.
September will run from the 1 - 25 of March (Wednesdays to Saturdays) at 7:30pm, at The Calder Bookshop & Theatre (51 The Cut, London SE1 8LF).