The Sothwark Playhouse recently announced its new spring season line-up which. Its new season will follow the successful fall season which included shows, such as Romeo and Juliet, Unstated, and Moll Flanders.
Other highlights of the season will include Last Dog Theatre’s Love in (3) Parts (12-31 January), a touching look at the emotions and complexities of a love affair, from first date to last love, accompanied with a live soundtrack from James Day. This year’s annual Shakespeare offering will be a ninety minute re-imagining of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (4-28 February) set is Samurai Japan, directed by innovative British Chinese director Jonathan Man, winner of 2008’s Better Bankside Shakespeare Award.
From 5-28 March, Wildbird theatre company will present Chris Lee’s Fall of the Peacock. Fall of the Peacock is the story of the 1953 CIA led coup in Iran which is thought to have strangled fledgling Iranian democracy and been a contributory factor in the so-called war on terror. The season is set to end with with About Tommy (31 March – 25 April) from Brother Tongue theatre company, which tells the story of a young soldier trying to preserve his humanity as he is forced to fight.Videos