The Jewish Theatre Workshop is getting ready for its production of "The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie, and they are hoping to see all of you there! This is an exciting murder mystery where you have a chance to guess the murderer at intermission, and win free tickets to the next JTW show. Check out the trailer at and for more information about the show visit the JTW website,, and see the attached flyer.
The show will be performed Sunday February 22nd - 2pm, Monday February 23rd - 7pm, Tuesday February 24th - 7pm, at the Straus Auditorium, Weinberg Park Heights JCC, 5700 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215. Tickets $10 General Admission, available at the door. High School Students and Senior Citizens 65+ get in free with ID. For more information or to reserve tickets contact The Jewish Theatre Workshop