In less than a week, The Stage Guild will return to the boards with an evening of one-acts written by their favorite playwright, George Bernard Shaw. Biting, witty, and just down-right funny! Don't you think its time for DC to take itself less seriously?
Shaw is at his most insightful in this pair of one-act plays, as politicians deal with disenfranchised voters, incompetent civil servants, an unpopular war, and romantic scandals in public life. The perfect Washington show, perhaps?
Press Cuttings is a hilarious look at public figures facing down angry mobs during a struggle for women's emancipation; while Augustus Does His Bit is a satiric look at bureaucrats who support the war effort without ever fighting themselves.
Directed by Bill Largess and brought to life by Washington's most expert talkers - the actors of the Stage Guild company: Vincent Clark, Laura Giannarelli, Helen Hedman, John Lescault, Lynn Steinmetz, & Alan Wade.
Tickets cost $50.00 Friday & Saturday Evenings; $40.00 all other performances. Discounts for students & seniors!
Don't miss out on the fun!Two Shaw's for oneVideos