On October 26th, a Sing for Hope Piano was gifted to Vy Higginsen's organization Mama Foundation for the Arts during a musical celebration where teens from Mama Foundation for the Arts serenaded Roberta Flack and the star musician, best known for her classic #1 singles "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and "Killing Me Softly with His Song," delivered some advice to the students about their future musical endeavors.
Renowned soprano and Sing for Hope Co-Founder Camille Zamora was also on-site for the special event at the Sing for Hope Studio. Check out photos from the event below!
This delivery is part of the Sing for Hope Pianos initiative, the country's largest annual public arts project where more than 50 pianos are displayed around high traffic locations in the summer reaching an estimated 2 million New Yorkers across the five boroughs. After their time on the streets, Sing for Hope Pianos are permanently placed in NYC public schools and with non-profit organizations.
Year-round, Sing for Hope transforms lives by mobilizing artists in service to bring the power of the arts to those who need it most. Through the volunteer service of dedicated artists, Sing for Hope provides creative programming to under-resourced communities across NYC and beyond. For more information, please visit www.singforhope.org.
Photos courtesy of Sing for Hope