Moonlight Stage Productions presents the San Diego Regional Premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Sunset Boulevard" from August 16 through September 2, 2017. Performances are at the Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista (northern San Diego County).
For more information, visit
Robert J. Townsend (Joe Gillis)
Norman Large (Max von Mayerling)
Valerie Perri (Norma Desmond).
(left to right) Robert J. Townsend, Valerie Perri, Norman Large.
Robert J. Townsend and Valerie Perri.
(standing left to right) Kenneth Gammie (Conductor), Steven Glaudini (Producing Artistic Director), Larry Raben (Director), JD Dumas (Musical Director). (seated left to right) Robert J. Townsend, Valerie Perri, and Norman Large.