Following an acclaimed run at Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Lisa Loomer's world-premiere drama Roe makes its D.C. debut at Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater. Directed by Bill Rauch, the drama focuses on the two women at the heart of the landmark Roe v. Wade case-plaintiff Norma McCorvey and her attorney Sarah Weddington-and documents their shockingly divergent journeys following the case, that would come to mirror the polarization in American culture.
Roe is a co-production with Oregon Shakespeare Festival and Berkeley Repertory Theatre and runs January 12-February 19, 2017 in the Kreeger Theater. BroadwayWorld has photos from the opening night festivities in D.C. below!
Reprising their roles from the recent Oregon run are Sara Bruner as Norma McCorvey, the wild-tempered bartender who became "Roe" after seeking to end an unwanted pregnancy, and Sarah Jane Agnew as Sarah Weddington, who argued the case before the U.S. Supreme Court at 26 years old.
Also reprising their roles from Oregon Shakespeare Festival are Zoe Bishop as Emily, Catherine Castellanos as Connie Gonzalez, Gina Daniels as Aileen, Richard Elmore as Justice Blackmun, Susan Lynskey as Linda Coffee and Amy Newman as Ronda. Joining the company for the D.C. run are Jim Abele as Flip Benham, Kenya Alexander as Roxanne, Mark Bedard as Henry McClusky/Robert Flowers and Pamela Dunlap as Mary/Molly.
On the creative team are: Director: Bill Rauch; Set Designer: Rachel Hauck; Costume Designer: Raquel Barreto; Lighting Designer: Jane Cox; Composer & Sound Designer: Paul James Prendergast; Projection Designer: Wendall K. Harrington; Stage Manager: Jeremy Eisen; and Assistant Stage Manager: Marne Anderson.
Tickets for Roe are $40-90, subject to change and based on availability, plus applicable fees. Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 202-488-3300 or at the Sales Office at 1101 Sixth St., SW, D.C.
Photo Credit: Cameron Whitman
Sarah Jane Agnew (Sarah Weddington), playwright Lisa Loomer and Sara Bruner (Norma McCorvey)
Director Bill Rauch and playwright Lisa Loomer
Cast members Jim Abele, Richard Elmore and Mark Bedard
Cast members Catherine Castellanos and Kenya Alexander
Cast members Gina Daniels and Susan Lynskey3
Cast members Zoe Bishop and Amy Newman
Cast members Sara Bruner (Norma McCorvey), Jim Abele (Flip Benham) and Sarah Jane Agnew (Sarah Weddington)
Cast members Richard Elmore and Pamela Dunlap
Sara Bruner (Norma McCorvey) and director Bill Rauch
The company of ROE at the opening night at Arena Stage