Mosaic Theater Company of DC's "Clamorous Encounters" series about coming-of- age in America continues with Philip Dawkins' groundbreaking comedy-drama CHARM (January 5- 29, 2017), under the direction of one of DC's most innovative directors, Natsu Onoda Power (The T Party, Wind Me Up Maria: A Go-Go Musical). This is Mosaic's third consecutive DC premiere in Season Two, and tells the story of "Mama Darleena Andrews," the inimitable 67 year-old transgender woman at the helm of an unforgettable etiquette class for transgender and gender nonconforming youth. Mama's unconventional brand of mentorship meets her students at their most vulnerable moments, helping them combat prejudice and discover themselves-and doing it all with class and with charm!
As announced on December 7, the principal role of 'Mama Darleena Andrews' is played by B'Ellana Duquesne, a transgender performer and collaborator on Onoda Power's The T Party. KenYatta Rogers, originally slated for the role, is understudy for Duquesne and supports production as Associate Director alongside director Natsu Onoda Power.
It is a true 'mosaic' tapestry of one of America's most historically marginalized communities in a period of rapid transition-embodied by the Culture Clash between Mama's methodical approach to identity, and the gender-bending breakthroughs of a new generation. But most importantly, Charm is a celebration-of the young transgender community, the perseverance of transgender adults before them, and the inspiring culture of mentorship that connects them both.
Photo Credit: Stan Barouh
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama
Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, Nyla Rose as Ariella, Justin Weaks as Jonelle, Jade Jones as Victoria, and Louis E. Davis as Donnie
Kimberly Gilbert as D and B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, Nyla Rose as Ariella, Justin Weaks as Jonelle, and Samy El-Noury as Logan
Jade Jones as Victoria, Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, Nyla Rose as Ariella, Justin Weaks as Jonelle
Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, Justin Weaks as Jonelle, and B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama (center) and members of the ensemble
Nyla Rose as Ariella
Samy El-Noury as Logan and Justin Weaks as Jonelle
Nyla Rose as Ariella and B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama
Justin Weaks as Jonelle, B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, Jade Jones as Victoria, and Joe Brack as Lady
Louis E. Davis as Donnie, Jade Jones as Victoria, Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, and B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama
Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, Justin Weaks as Jonelle, Nyla Rose as Ariella, B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, and Jade Jones as Victoria
Justin Weaks as Jonelle and Samy El-Noury as Logan, with members of the ensemble
Justin Weaks as Jonelle (center) Joe Brack as Lady, Jade Jones as Victoria, Nyla Rose as Ariella, Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, and Samy El-Noury as Logan
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama and Kimberly Gilbert as D
Justin Weaks as Jonelle and Joe Brack as Lady, with members of the ensemble
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, Clayton Pelham Jr. as Beta, and Nyla Rose as Ariella
Jade Jones as Victoria, B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama, and Louis E. Davis as Donnie
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama and Kimberly Gilbert as D
B'Ellana Duquesne as Mama and Kimberly Gilbert as D, with members of the ensemble