Something Rotten! is a comedic musical that follows two struggling playwrights, Nick and Nigel Bottom, as they attempt to find their way in the theatrical world overshadowed by the fame of William Shakespeare, portrayed by Jeff Lillico. Directed and choreographed by Donna Feore, this production features memorable songs like “God, I Hate Shakespeare” and “Hard to Be the Bard.” The cast includes Mark Uhre as Nick, Henry Firmston as Nigel, and Dan Chameroy as the soothsayer Thomas Nostradamus, leading to a humorous exploration of artistic rivalry and the beginnings of musical theatre. With an engaging storyline and lively performances, the show has been well received, prompting audience members to return for multiple viewings.
Year | Category | |
2015 | Best Musical |
Salesman in China (8/3/24-10/26/24)
La Cage aux Folles (4/1/24-11/16/24)
The African Company Presents Richard III (8/4/22-8/4/22)
Finally There’s Sun (9/9/21-9/26/21)
Serving Elizabeth (8/28/21-9/26/21)
Freedom (8/19/21-9/5/21)
R + J (8/12/21-9/26/21)
I Am William (8/4/21-9/5/21)
Play On! (7/29/21-8/15/21)
Annie (4/12/25-9/15/25)
As You Like It (4/15/25-9/10/25)
Macbeth (4/17/25-9/10/25)
Sense and Sensibility (4/20/25-9/5/25)
The Winter’s Tale (4/25/25-9/3/25)
Dangerous Liaisons (5/1/25-8/31/25)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (5/5/25-9/12/25)
Forgiveness (5/15/25-9/20/25)
Ransacking Troy (6/1/25-9/30/25)
The Art of War (6/10/25-9/29/25)
Last Landscape
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (1/12 - 1/26) | ||
Sondheim on Sondheim
Scarborough Music Theatre (2/6 - 2/22) | ||
Meridian Arts Centre – George Weston Recital Hall (6/21 - 6/21) | ||
Anything Goes
Port Colborne Operatic Society (2/15 - 3/2) | ||
Tarragon Theatre (4/8 - 5/4) | ||
Triple Espresso: Bach, Fasch & Handel
Jeanne Lamon Hall (2/21 - 2/23) | ||
After the Rain
Tarragon Theatre (5/27 - 6/22) | ||
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