BWW Blog: No Musicals for the Momentby Student Blogger: Michael Scuotto - January 14, 2021For as long as I can remember, I’ve turned to music, and more specifically musical theatre, to help me sort out my feelings. BWW Blog: Make It Modernby Student Blogger: Maggie Cummins - January 14, 2021I dare to ask the question: how do you update shows for a pandemic? BWW Blog: The Art of Storytellingby Student Blogger: Emma Rose Dorsch - January 14, 2021Storytelling is more than just reading a book out loud or telling a spooky story by a campfire. It is the art of conveying information and stories to others. BWW Blog: New Movie-Musicals: Hits and Missesby Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - January 14, 2021After a year like 2020, where theatre was changed forever (and at times, not for the better), it’s pretty cool to see so many movie-musicals on their way. I think we all need it. BWW Blog: Waiting in the Wingsby Student Blogger: Sydney Emerson - January 13, 2021Every waking moment since last Wednesday, I am consumed with an overwhelming anxiety about our country. BWW Blog: At the Table Where It Happensby Student Blogger: Caroline Conard - January 13, 2021On January 4th I began my final semester of college, which for a theatre education major, means student teaching. BWW Blog: My Reaction to Mean Girls Closingby Student Blogger: Paige Rosko - January 11, 2021Let us mourn the loss of this great show, but when we have the chance again, let’s put all of our passion and love for this show into supporting the rest of Broadway. BWW Blog: Dressing for Broadwayby Student Blogger: Maura Consedine - January 11, 2021My best advice is to dress presentably and respectfully, which can honestly be interpreted differently by everyone, so I hope these specific examples are helpful. BWW Blog: Updates on 10 Movie Musicals I Want to Seeby Student Blogger: Brenton Kniess - January 11, 2021This list will only be covering films that are officially confirmed to be happening as opposed to films that are stuck in “development hell” for quite some time. BWW Blog: Limboby Student Blogger: Caiti Ho - January 11, 2021I am excited for very few things this year because I don’t know what will happen this year. BroadwayWorld Seeks College Student Bloggers for Spring 2021by BWW News Desk - January 11, 2021Calling all theatre-loving college kids for Spring 2021! We're looking for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors to share their knowledge with Freshman with recommendations and school tips in blogs for BroadwayWorld. Find out more about how you can blog for us below!