Student Blog: Speaking Up Through Our Art by Student Blogger: Jana Denning - June 1, 2022 We are artists. We have the power to use our voices in compelling ways. We know how to make people listen. Let them know how you feel about the state of our nation. Speak through your art, and tell them we want change for the better. This is not only a call to action but also a reminder that what is happening is not normal or acceptable. Student Blog: How to Have a Hot Theater Kid Summer by Student Blogger: George Concannon - June 1, 2022 The sky is blue, the sun is out, and theater classrooms around the country are empty, which can only mean one thing: it’s summertime! Now that you’ve finally survived finals, written your last essay, and handed in your last test, you might be wondering — what the heck am I supposed to do now? Student Blog: Was There Ever A Greater Tabloid Tale? by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - June 13, 2022 Diana has been on my mind for many years. In fact, I actually wrote about it in quite a few of my earlier articles, constantly stating that it would be the first show that I wanted to see once Broadway reopened. If only I knew just how much of an impact this show would have on my life. Student Blog: Broadway Marketing Meets TikTok by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - May 31, 2022 A few years ago, Broadway social media accounts rarely posted performance videos except for little clips meshed into advertisements. However, we are now seeing a shift in Broadway’s digital marketing to include longer show clips, to encourage fans to post covers, and to target users of each social media platform differently. Student Blog: Why a Ph.D. in Theatre is Worth It by Student Blogger: Mia Van Deloo - May 31, 2022 What I learned from the Ph.D. students is the wide range of skills and disciplines one can acquire from this particular type of degree program. I’ve seen Ph.D. students become professors, directors, dramaturgs, dancers, etc. As someone who is drawn to dramaturgy, but still finds joy in other areas of theatre, I am interested in pursuing a path that allows me to explore different roles in the theatre. A Ph.D. can seem like it is solely focused on research and more individualized study, but students also gain communication skills, problem-solving skills, and other abilities that relate to successfully working with others. Student Blog: The Musical Theatre Album is Evolving Before Our Eyes and Ears by Student Blogger: Emily Pugh - May 31, 2022 In addition to the excitement that comes with seeing new Broadway shows and their performances as part of the annual Tony Awards ceremony, many of these new productions will also release cast albums to forever preserve their show’s music and iconic performances. Traditionally, new musicals develop a cast album where the actors and musicians record the music from their show, on their days off in a studio, culminating in an album that is released to the public. This method has been exhibited in famous musical cast albums such as 'The Phantom of the Opera' and 'Les Misérables' and more recently in shows such as 'Flying Over Sunset.' However, with the release of more cast albums this year, composers, producers and directors alike are finding ways to shift the traditional paradigm when it comes to recording new musicals. Student Blog: Keeping Up In Summer by Student Blogger: Zac Denver Lee - June 7, 2022 Just writing this post was also so hard. I’m procrastinating a lot and getting distracted easily too. I think it is important to take holidays as a break but at the same time, this is your chance to do more things to help you in the future. BWW Blog: Spend Your Summer with Exceptional Minds by Student Blogger: Bea Mienik - May 27, 2022 This one-of-a-kind school is located in Sherman Oaks, California, and educates young adults on the autism spectrum “for careers in animation, visual effects, 3D gaming, and other related fields in the digital arts.” Student Blog: The Art of Learning by Student Blogger: MC Chocolate - May 31, 2022 In the art of learning are the answers you are looking for and the keys to transform your life. Learning leads you to find your authenticity, to be free and to think for yourself. Today I want to break a spear in favor of quality, effort and hard work. Student Blog: In the Real World by Student Blogger: Rachael Schuster - May 24, 2022 The waiting game is fine to play in between auditions. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. You learned something, you met more people and maybe they’ll keep you in mind for another role, and you move on. But while you play the waiting game with auditions, you’re probably playing the paying game with your other job. Student Blog: My Journey Further Into Photography by Student Blogger: Allie Pruett - May 24, 2022 Having a major in the Fine Arts department can mean many things, but for me, it means being able to express myself through multiple outlets, including photography, which I just realized I have a new passion and appreciation for. Student Blog: “Song of Purple Summer”: Finding a New Start by Student Blogger: Max Martinez - May 18, 2022 “The Song of Purple Summer”, the last song of the show, always felt more like a coda than a conclusion to me. But what does it mean? Is it a flower that only blooms in summer? Or what if spring represents the green and innocent childhood, and the purple summer is an analogy for adulthood? Student Blog: Last Day Of School Playlist by Student Blogger: Grace Callahan - May 18, 2022 You know what time it is! Summer is peeking around the corner, and if you're in the celebratory mood, I have the perfect playlist for you! Jam out to some Broadway hits while counting down the days to that glorious LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. Happy (almost) summer! Student Blog: The Spring Awakening reunion, Was Something I Didn't Knew I Needed by Student Blogger: Silvana Flores - May 17, 2022 I could talk for hours and hours about why I think this as a play or a musical should be something that every teenager should watch, listen or read, because nowadays art can save lives. Student Blog: Taking Care of Yourself During Finals by Student Blogger: Jana Denning - May 2, 2022 The end of the semester is a difficult time for all students, but taking care of your mind and body is key to getting through it. Here are some suggestions on how to do just that. Bonus: Grade Calculation Math! Student Blog: Not Being a BFA isn't the End of the World by Student Blogger: MaryRose Jones - May 2, 2022 College decision day just happened. You've accepted an offer at a college, but it is not exactly what you were hoping for. You're getting a BA or BM, instead of your dream, a BFA. Not getting a BFA isn't exactly the tragedy that it might seem at first. I was in the same shoes as you, multiple times in fact, and I can honestly say that I am thankful to be a BA major. Student Blog: Finally Finals by Student Blogger: Olivia Murray - May 2, 2022 Self-care is something I’ve tried to implement more into my life, and it really does pay off. Student Blog: A Non-Film Major's Guide to Making a Simple Short Film by Student Blogger: Sydni Dichter - May 5, 2022 If you’ve ever wondered what a drama student’s projects look like during COVID, I’ll tell you: they look a lot like short films. Over the past two years, I have needed to become somewhat skilled at filmmaking, as a non-filmmaker, so I wanted to share some tips that have helped me in learning how to make my own movies. Student Blog: A Glimpse Into My Dramaturgical Casebook by Student Blogger: Blake Velick - May 4, 2022 For my final project in dramaturgy, I created a casebook on the global sensation Come From Away. My 42 page casebook dove into the musical’s development and historical background, production history, and more. However, my favorite part of the casebook was writing a short dramaturg note that would be hypothetically included in the show’s playbill. Student Blog: “See You at the Parks!” by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - May 4, 2022 Recently, I had the chance to speak with David about his experience in the theatre world, his off-Broadway directorial debut, and, of course, Disney! From Happy Meal toys to college professors, read on to learn more about how David became the person they are today and how he is contributing to both the theatre world and the Disney community. Student Blog: Three Ways to Heat Up Your Warm-Ups by Student Blogger: George Concannon - May 5, 2022 As any performer knows, warm-ups are an essential part of pre-performance preparation. Singing through scales, going over your text, and stretching are all warm-ups we’re familiar with. But what if your warm-ups leave you still feeling cold? Student Blog: Rolling With The Roller Coaster - Storybook Edition by Student Blogger: Spencer Wareing - May 5, 2022 Against my best attempts, my theatrical roller coaster slowed to a stop. So, instead, if you all don't mind, I'd like to tell you a story... 'Once upon a time, there lived an itty, bitty dragon with glittering red scales and a snout too small for any real fire to erupt.' Student Blog: “Comedy Comes from Truth and Honesty” by Student Blogger: Kat Mokrynski - April 29, 2022 Since theatre has returned to New York City, I have seen many different shows. I’ve been to musicals, plays, and even interactive shows. But nothing can compare to one of the modern classic plays, The Play That Goes Wrong. I’ve been lucky enough to see it twice over the past two months, and even knowing all of the twists and turns, the second performance ended up being just as entertaining, if not more, than the first! Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Chris Lanceley, who plays “Jonathan” in the off-Broadway production of The Play That Goes Wrong at New World Stages. Student Blog: The Play You Should Read According to Your Zodiac Sign by Student Blogger: Meredith Muirhead - April 29, 2022 Every theatre student is always told to read more plays, but oftentimes, it's difficult to find something that holds our attention or seems right for us. After examining this trend among my fellow college theatre students for some time, I started to cobble together a list of play recommendations specifically tailored towards something all of us are very interested in: our zodiac signs! Now, I (a Scorpio) have offered a play recommendation for each of the twelve signs based on what I think they need most, so find your sun sign, check out the description, and happy play reading! Student Blog: Out of The Woods by Student Blogger: Rachael Schuster - April 29, 2022 Well. We wrapped up our two-week run of Into the Woods, and it was really something else. For many of the cast, this was their return to live, unmasked theater, and it was a joy to be there (nearly) every step of the way. Six night shows, one matinee, and one KCACTF briefing after months of rehearsal took a lot out of me, but it also gave me some incredibly valuable insights. |