News on your favorite shows, specials & more!

Student Blog: The Un-Summer Season at Home
by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - June 18, 2023

I will be honest; I've never had a summer break before because we don't have any seasons in Malaysia. It has always been the constant heat with long schooling semesters since I was in primary school and at least a week to a month's break in between terms.

Student Blog: Ruby's Survival Guide for the Musical Theatre College Audition
by Student Blogger: Ruby Wolter - June 14, 2023

Each year high school seniors across the globe work tirelessly on college applications. At my high school, students typically apply to a range of 3 to 8 schools. While the normal college process is already time-consuming enough, those seeking a college experience on the stage live out a completely different senior year.

Student Blog: Home for the Summer
by Student Blogger: Emily Scolnick - June 12, 2023

That’s part of what summer is about: family. Whether it be your biological family, the family you find through the cast of a show, or your friends who become your chosen family, you want to spend your summers with people who make you happy.

Student Blog: Summertime Opera in Rural Upstate New York
by Student Blogger: Skyler Burnett - June 12, 2023

I’m from San Antonio, Texas, and have never visited New York before. When the amazing opportunity to spend my summer with The Glimmerglass Festival appeared, there was no hesitation to say yes. A dream to work alongside and learn from industry professionals came true. Now that I’m here, I’ve found myself in the middle of a beautiful nowhere which also happens to be where opera is being produced by world-class artists. It feels random, but it is extraordinary.

Student Blog: The Most Important Summer Yet
by Student Blogger: Teddy Molner - June 12, 2023

Student Blog: Summer… What To Do?
by Student Blogger: Dwiani I - June 13, 2023

School is finally over. I let myself sleep in for as long as I could. Then when I wake up, I eat whatever I wanted, and binge my favorite series. It’s like revenge. I didn’t get to do that for the past months, so now I’m gonna. But then I realize that after all that, I will have that itch to be productive again. What should I do this summer?

Student Blog: Living Summer Break to the Fullest
by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - June 12, 2023

I could not be more excited for the summer I have ahead. I look forward to meeting lots of students my age who share the same passion for musical theater as I do at the Paper Mill Playhouse Conservatory. And most of all, I cannot wait to spend my days doing what truly makes me happy.

Student Blog: Crying In JAGGED LITTLE PILL
by Student Blogger: Aubrey Donovan - June 12, 2023

As you get older, you begin to lose that childish part of yourself that made you feel so sure of who you are and you look for pieces to replace it. You are exposed to new emotions you never had to confront, emotions your parents never thought you’d confront. Emotions that boil at the surface and splash and burn everyone around you. But you don’t know how to handle it, you can’t find the knob to turn down the heat and reduce to a simmer.

Student Blog: Making the Most of the Summer Ahead
by Student Blogger: Michele Cohen - June 6, 2023

Whatever it is you’re doing this summer, enjoy it. Take time to care and tend to yourself in ways that you’re not able to during the school year. Read, relax, laugh, make memories. Challenge yourself personally and professionally. Restore your zest for life while the sun is still shining!

Student Blog: What Now?
by Student Blogger: Aingea Venuto - June 5, 2023

If you’re not going out on a contract for the summer, DO NOT BE WORRIED! This is not a time to bog yourself down and feel bad for yourself - in fact, there’s two things you can do about it...

Student Blog: What I Wish I Knew...
by Student Blogger: Alyssa Meadows - June 5, 2023

Hello again, readers! I hope you all are well! Happy summer vacation, to those of you who have completed your spring semester of school! As I have just completed my first full year of being a college student, I wanted to take an opportunity to reflect on the things I wish I knew before college. For most, college is the first time “adulting,” if you will, and that comes with a learning curve. The struggles I discovered this year and worked towards solving aid in my understanding of what it is to live, as I continue to discover more.

Student Blog: Academic Integrity and AI
by Student Blogger: Allie Beckerman - June 5, 2023

So, I sat down in my usual seat, the teacher took attendance, and then asked everyone who knew what Chat GPT was to raise their hand. Every hand flew up.

Student Blog: Benefits of Maintaining Academic Integrity
by Student Blogger: Aubrey Donovan - May 31, 2023

With the ability to auto-generate essays and access Google, Sparknotes, and Photomath, it is easy to abuse the moral code of academic integrity. But while these online sources may make completing homework “easier,” using them does not produce the same profitable outcome as manually doing one's homework.

Student Blog: A Theatre Major Takes On Opera
by Student Blogger: Noelle Gardiner - May 30, 2023

Being in the ensemble of Carmen was probably one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve had in my life as a theatre artist thus far. If you ever get the opportunity to be in an opera, I strongly encourage you to go for it by all means!

Student Blog: Academic Integrity In The Arts
by Student Blogger: Noelle Gardiner - May 30, 2023

The struggle to maintain academic integrity is one that every student faces in their life, simply by nature of being human. But what exactly does academic integrity look like for students pursuing education in more artistic, creative fields, like theatre?

Student Blog: A Love Letter To My Freshman Year
by Student Blogger: Ruby Griffin - May 30, 2023

A love letter to my freshman year at NYU Tisch. Cue “Tongue Tied” by Grouplove.

Student Blog: Home for the Summer
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - May 30, 2023

You were just at school for 9 months and in a routine and now you're home, without having to be somewhere all the time. It can be an adjustment.

Student Blog: Learning Can Be Fun? WHAT!?
by Student Blogger: Ruby Griffin - May 30, 2023

What does academic integrity mean to me? Well damn. That's a tough one, because it is such a broad term. Personally, I believe it to be, honoring the journey of your education and your peers by prioritizing academics and treating them with respect and honesty.

Student Blog: What Comes Next?
by Student Blogger: MJ Kirsche - May 30, 2023

With grad season upon us, I find myself having finished my freshman year as a musical theatre major. This year has been one of adventures, stresses, new loves, and new lows– but through all of it I’ve been able to learn so much about myself and the field I hold so dearly. While I miss my life at school and can’t wait to continue it in the Fall, as most of us are, I am home for the summer, and asking myself– what comes next? What happens now that I’m home?

Student Blog: Benefits from Theatre Education
by Student Blogger: Alex Leigh - May 24, 2023

“The theatre is a place where one has time for the problems of people to whom one would show the door if they came to one’s office for a job” (Tennessee Williams).

Student Blog: Academic Integrity in Theatre
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - May 24, 2023

Academic integrity is so important, especially in our career field. It prepares us on how to be professional in the future when we get out on our own and start auditioning/booking real, professional, paying jobs.

Student Blog: Post-Grad Limbo
by Student Blogger: Aubrey Donovan - May 22, 2023

My first year of college is over and for some reason, nothing seems to have changed. I’m still lost on where my life is going, let alone where the next year is going, and I still feel like I’m just laying in post-high school degree limbo. I’m still trying to find the right school and I’m still trying to accept the change that was solidified when I moved my tassel.

Student Blog: Let's Talk About Academic Integrity
by Student Blogger: Michele Cohen - May 22, 2023

Learning doesn’t have to be as difficult of a thing as we make it out to be. Find joy in it, practice good study habits, make learning fun and interesting for you. When you find ways to make learning enjoyable and not a chore, there’s no need to cheat. Do it for yourself! 

Student Blog: Broadway: Good For You, Bad For The Bank
by Student Blogger: Allie Beckerman - June 5, 2023

Broadway shows are expensive, and here are a few ways I try and keep the cost down.

Student Blog: Effective Strategies for Maintaining Academic Integrity
by Student Blogger: Eunsong Yang - May 20, 2023

When a new year begins, people often set goals. These goals may include things they want to achieve or habits they want to change, which they couldn't accomplish in the previous year.

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