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University of Central Florida

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4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando,Florida 32816


Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre - Acting

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre - Design and Technology

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre - Musical Theatre

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre - Stage Management

Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies

Minor in Dance

Minor in Theatre

Master of Fine Arts in Acting

Master of Fine Arts in Theatre for Young Audiences

Master of Fine Arts in Theatre - Themed Experience

Master of Arts in Theatre Studies

Master of Arts in Musical Theatre

Theatre UCF seeks to develop theatre artists of the highest quality. We provide our students with the training, education, and experiences necessary for the successful pursuit of professional theatre careers. Our goal is to develop and graduate student artists who are sensitive, aware, and total human beings by providing our students with conservatory training within the context of a Liberal Arts education. A well-rounded education involves an understanding of our place in the universe, and insights into the human condition, without which it is impossible for artists to interpret dramatic works accurately, sensitively, and with true artistry.

Notable Alumni Include:

Justin Sargent

Faculty Info:

Thad Anderson, Robin Ankerich, William R. Ayers, Lauren Becker, David Bjella, Belinda C Boyd, Lyman Brodie, Mark W Brotherton, Gary Brown, Jim Brown, Tim Brown, Alexander Rex Burtzos, Steven R Chicurel-Stein, Erik Cole, Gene Columbus, Jesse Cook, Richard Drexler, Arlene M Flores, Luis F Fred, Nora Lee García, Kirk Gay, Joe Gennaro, Susan E Glerum, Jeffery A Golub, Edd Gordon, Thomas Harrison, John Heil, Jim Helsinger, Michael A Hill, Elizabeth Brendel, Yun-Ling Hsu, Jeremy Hunt, Yoon Joo Hwang, Robin Jensen, Dan Jones, Grace C. Jordan, Claude Kashnig, Barbara Kelly-Hursey, Tremon Kizer, Bobby Koelble, Keith Koons, Christine M Lapka, Paul Lartonoix, Benjamin Lieser, Julia Listengarten, Scott Lubaroff, Claudia Lynch, Vivian Majkowski, Julie Martorana, Holly E McDonald, Dan Miller, Kelly A. Miller, Jeff Moore, Marty M Morell, Angela Nichols, Christopher Niess, Chung Park, Bridget Parry, Thomas Potter, Lindsay Putnam, Shannan Rath, Jeffery Redding, David Reed, Haley Rhodeside, Beverley Rinaldi, Steven Risko, Jeff M Rupert, Eladio Scharron, Dave Schreier, Bert Scott, John Wayne Shafer, Judi F Siegfried, Rob Siler, Tara D. Snyder, Sybil M St Claire, JoAnne Stephenson, Jamie Strefeler, Huaixiang Tan, Bob Thornton, Kristina Tollefson, Michael Wainstein, Scott Warfield, Samuel J Waters, Earl D. Weaver, Peter Weishar, George Weremchuk, Cynthia White, Ross Monroe Winter, Vandy Wood, Ayako Yonetani.

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Past Student Productions

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Down and Out
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Welcome to the Moon
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The Red Coat
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