100 Nicolls Road Stony Brook,New York 11794 631.632.7300
Minor in Theatre Arts
The minor in Theatre Arts provides students with the opportunity to explore several aspects of the theatre artform. The course of the study fosters creative expression, and helps students identify relevant intersections between theatre and their major area of study.
The study of theatre nurtures the imagination, sharpens critical thinking, and expands students’ understanding of themselves, the world around them, and the significance of the arts in society.
The minor in Theatre Arts helps prepare students for the marketplace in a wide range of fields.
Faculty Info:
John Lutterbie, Izumi Ashizawa, Philip Baldwin, Dave Barnett, Mallory Catlett, Nick Mangano, Deborah Mayo, Norman Prusslin, Ken Weitzman.
The Staller Center's Zuccaire Gallery announces Artists in Conversation: Howardena Pindell and Athena LaTocha, on Monday, March 20 at 4:30pm at Stony Brook University. Howardena Pindell is Distinguished Professor of Art at Stony Brook University, where she has taught for forty-three years.
The upcoming co-production of John Adams' I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky, from IN Series and Theater Alliance, is the latest in a swath of area theater postponements due to the region's COVID-19 transmission numbers.
The Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University presents the first major retrospective of eminent American artist, curator, and teacher Howardena Pindell, who for nearly five decades has explored the intersection of art and activism.