Department of Music
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1003 West Sunflower Road
Cleveland,Mississippi 38733
Bachelor of Arts in Music Bachelor of Music in Music Bachelor of Music Education in Music Education Minor in Music
The Department of Music’s mission is to prepare music majors for careers in the field of music by completing requirements for bachelor’s degrees in Performance, Music Education, and Liberal Arts. The Department provides supportive instruction to both majors and non-majors in music theory, music history, music education, and performance to cultivate the development of musical skills, knowledge, and appreciation. The Department works to foster an engaging and stimulating environment on campus and in the surrounding community by presenting musical performances that are open to the public, mentoring music students of all ages, and developing partnerships with school music programs and music teachers in the region and state.
Faculty Info:
Josh Armstrong, Jamie Dahman, Julia Thorn, Shelley Collins, Karen Fosheim, Kumiko Shimizu, Douglas Mark, Bailey Megan, Anne-Gaëlle Ravetto, Erik Richards, Jung-Won Shin, Kevin Tharp, Bret Pimentel, Jessica Jarvis.
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by Chloe Rabinowitz
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