Why have one, when you can have both?
Fandom-ism isn't a one-way street, for the most part at least. One fandom usually bleeds into another one, and then another one, and soon enough you're a fan of more things than you originally expected.
I speak from experience on that one, to be honest.
Pictured here is me (left) with my good friend Alicia on her last day of college back in December.
The main thing that we bonded over in the year before that that we had been friends was Bucky Barnes, but let me tell you a few more things I found out about this girl in that time.
She's into musicals, even having starred in one at our school a few years ago.
While I can't exactly relate to that part, not being an actor myself, I can relate to being a fan of musicals and stuff.
In summary, talk to your friends more. You may have a little more in common than you think.