Set in the Atomic '50s, "Zombie Prom" is the tale of a sweet, Gidget-like teenage girl named Toffee, played by Adena Ershow, and her "rebel without a cause" boyfriend, Jonny, played by Brad Cashman. The two meet at Enrico Fermi High School and fall in love, but the principal, Miss Delilah Strict intervenes, persuading the indecisive young Toffee to break up with Jonny. Tortured by the betrayal, Jonny drives his motorcycle to the nearby nuclear power plant and flings himself from the top of a cooling tower. Guilt-ridden and alone, Toffee mourns the loss of her love until, one day, Jonny returns, risen from the dead as a teenage nuclear zombie - and the fun begins!
1996 | Off-Broadway |
Original Off-Broadway Production Off-Broadway |