Melanie Alexander, who holds a BFA in Theater Performance from Chapman University, previously showcased her talent in the role of "Bernardo" in Hamlet with Murmur Theater Company. more...
Luce Ennis, known for her roles in Oliver!, The Gay Life, Once Upon a Mattress, and The Sound of Music, brought her extensive stage experience to the cast of Zenda. more...
JD Martin, originally from Melbourne and now based in NYC, has an impressive array of theater credits including notable performances in "In Love with the Arrow Collar Man" at Theatre 80 St. Marks and "Sonder" at Players Theatre, as well as a role in "Zenda." more...
Chita Rivera, a theatrical icon known for her versatile talents and numerous accolades, brought her star power to Zenda, adding to her illustrious career that includes standout roles in classics like West Side Story and Kiss of the Spider Woman. more...
Anne Rogers, who began her illustrious stage career at the age of 15, brought her exceptional talent to "Zenda," having previously captivated audiences with her award-winning performance as Eliza Doolittle in both Hollywood and Chicago productions of "My Fair Lady." more...
Lorene Yarnell, renowned for her dance and mime performances with Robert Shields, brought her unique talents to the stage in the 1983 outdoor production of *Can-Can* at The Muny in St. Louis, earning excellent reviews alongside Broadway stars like Judy Kaye and John Schuck. more...