Walter Bobbie, who appeared in the Young Playwrights Festival in 1990, is a multi-talented director and actor known for his Tony Award-winning direction of the international hit *Chicago*, the longest-running revival in Broadway history. more...
Bruce MacVittie, who began his illustrious acting career at the Ensemble Studio Theatre in 1980, was part of the cast for the Young Playwrights Festival in 1990, showcasing his dedication to nurturing new theatrical voices. more...
Wendell Pierce, an accomplished actor with a rich history in theater and television, was part of the cast for the Young Playwrights Festival in 1990, showcasing his early involvement in nurturing new theatrical voices. more...
Tonya Pinkins, who captivated audiences with her Tony Award-winning performance in "Jelly's Last Jam," was also a part of the Young Playwrights Festival in 1990, showcasing her versatile talent early in her illustrious career. more...