La Jolla Playhouse announces the cast for the world premiere of Annie Weisman's Surf Report, the first production of the Playhouse's 2010/2011 season, running June 15 - July 11, 2010 in the Mandell Weiss Forum.
La Jolla Playhouse announces the cast for the world premiere of Annie Weisman's Surf Report, the first production of the Playhouse's 2010/2011 season, running June 15 - July 11, 2010 in the Mandell Weiss Forum.
La Jolla Playhouse announces the cast for the world premiere of Annie Weisman's Surf Report, the first production of the Playhouse's 2010/2011 season, running June 15 - July 11, 2010 in the Mandell Weiss Forum.